I'd be up there and be fresh the next day...you've still got the ride home don't forget.I'm still undecided whether to ride up on Tuesday morning or on the Monday afternoon & join in the curry session (tempting!). Does anyone know whether there is secure bike parking at the Griffin in Attleborough?
I'd be up there and be fresh the next day...you've still got the ride home don't forget.
There appears to be parking round the back of the griffin.
- Alex
Ok. Who's it with and is it sold out?Road bikes...any...
- Alex
I agree with Alex. Best to get up there and be rested. I always give thought to whether I'm ok for the last session of the day even when I wake up next to the track, never mind 70/80 mins away as you seem to be....
...and not for the reasons suggested by other forum moderators....you'd have thought with a name like his he could have foreseen what was coming..
Just read the additional info on the Participants handbook and is says garages 1-4 are reserved? Can we still use 3 and 4 as forum members? Before I start cause trouble on Tuesday for being in the wrong place....
I'll key anything in MY garage [emoji14]I would not go in garage 3 and 4, they are reserved, I forget for whom, wait a minute though, ah, one of those dodgy forum organisations!
O K you lot, who's coming out for a curry Monday night? I've booked a table for 20 plus, they'd like a little better idea, don't want to run out of vindaloo!
I'm up for the curry ! What time are we meeting?