I will post this on another good forum for you Robert. Is it for Monday 23rd July?Hi, anyone want to join us at Cadwell? I have about 5 cancellations, email me [email protected]
I will post this on another good forum for you Robert. Is it for Monday 23rd July?Hi, anyone want to join us at Cadwell? I have about 5 cancellations, email me [email protected]
Is it road bike only?
Hi Robert. I emailed you my application form and made a BACS payment (Michael Davey, Snetterton 8th Aug) on the 4th of July, don't think I've had confirmation back from you. Can you confirm?please email me asap dude, [email protected]
I'm all booked, see whos there on the Sun eve or Monday
I'm all booked, see whos there on the Sun eve or Monday
Benny, I've filled the places, refund soon.
Dude, we'll eat the night before in Attleborough, several are at the Griffin, or you can bring a tent to my pad, 5 miles away from there and circuit.
Where is everyone staying for snetterton, tryingto find somewhere that?s near where everyone e will be
I?m also at the griffin the night before