Tyco BMW only track day at Donington park 2016


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Blimey....Haven't attended a UK track day in 9 years. Is that how much they are, ?160!!!!! I'll stick with Spain thanks.
Blimey....Haven't attended a UK track day in 9 years. Is that how much they are, ?160!!!!! I'll stick with Spain thanks.

spains good but not as good as a sunny day at donny imo. for me and the missis all in going to spain its around ?3000.00 so ?600ish for a donny is a bargin.:)
me and the missis have booked this. im on the bmw day and the missis on her gixer on the girls day.
Do an exclusive in Spain with the whole track to yourself....literally 8 riders all in on the driest track in Europe....yeah right on a cold wet Donny no thanks
Do an exclusive in Spain with the whole track to yourself....literally 8 riders all in on the driest track in Europe....yeah right on a cold wet Donny no thanks

My last trip to Donny was a bit wet in the morning but it dried up. Not that it really mattered. The consequences of a very good curry the night before and way too many beers all round meant that we all welcomed the steady start TBH. One guy couldn't get on his bike without blowing chunks until the 3rd session. I think something European beckons in 2017 though, as much for the different tracks as the weather.
My last trip to Donny was a bit wet in the morning but it dried up. Not that it really mattered. The consequences of a very good curry the night before and way too many beers all round meant that we all welcomed the steady start TBH. One guy couldn't get on his bike without blowing chunks until the 3rd session. I think something European beckons in 2017 though, as much for the different tracks as the weather.

Beer and curry mandatory on euro days as well :highly_amused:, get yourself out there !!
I need more days off (I know these things use weekends too)...I have none spare :(
ive done Jerez twice, once in late october and one in march. i missed 11 sessions due to wet track and no wets over the 6 days. not all ways dry.
And I've had 36 hot sticky track days at Almeria and not missed one single lap due to it being wet. That 216 sessions, but then Almeria track is the driest track in Europe and that's why I return year after year.
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And I've had 36 hot sticky track days at Almeria and not missed one single lap due to it being wet. That 216 sessions, but then Almeria track is the driest track in Europe and that's why I return year after year.

And the gentlemans club. ;)
Despite the apparent lack of curry and a gentleman's club, I've just booked Donington on 20th. Hopefully there will be no vomiting or rain...........
Despite the apparent lack of curry and a gentleman's club, I've just booked Donington on 20th. Hopefully there will be no vomiting or rain...........

Neither can be guaranteed lol.

If anyone is staying in the general vicinity of Castle Donny the night before, a couple of us are going for a curry around 8pm, and maybe a lemonade or two. PM me if you're thinking of coming along so I know numbers. Cheers.
My wife and I have just been invited to attend this, does anyone know the numbers? and how they split the groups ?