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Well-known member
Feb 5, 2017
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Hello and a very good evening gents,

I was looking for advice on insurance for my 2016 tyco RR. I have a small issue with insurance as I haven't got any no claims because i have been riding for a few years. I have held my licence for 10 years and hold a full car one with full no claims.

I have tried the usual go compare sites etc but still at the 1500/2000k mark.

was wondering if any of you lads know any sites that can help me ?

cheers in advance
I'm struggling big time, as i haven't been riding for years i have 0 no claims i called that bemoto. They guy needs to call the underwriters lol
I hadn't owned a bike for two and half years when I decided to get my first S1K and had lost my no claims as a result, I couldn't insure a new bike but bizarrely could insure one that was 10 months old so that's what I bought, just had to shop around a bit, I don't remember the premium being too bad although it also depends on where you live, what you do etc etc
Just saved ?100 using bemoto, very friendly and pain free phone call.
AND it included kit cover up to ?1500 which was extra on my old policy!
Thumbs up from me, thanks for the recommendation lads :adoration:
I'm struggling big time, as i haven't been riding for years i have 0 no claims i called that bemoto. They guy needs to call the underwriters lol

what kind of prices have you been quoted mate? silly money or not quoting at all? i always find comparison site the best but will be trying bemoto in July.
because i didnt have any no claims bemoto just back to me they deal with 9 insurance all the underwriters would not touch me not even for silly money, I have went with Aviva the came up the best price from that go compared site and thets throughout a brooker called Just Motorcycle Insurance. I was ?1470. ( that was the cheapest the worst i seen was 11K lol)
Bloody hell, that's some premium.
Hope you get out on the bike quite a bit to get your money's worth!
I suppose it's fair enough though. Glad you got cover arranged, or else I'd have made you an offer on the bike lol.
Yeah it will be down a lot next year if i can keep a years no claims. plus just turned 30 dosent help either lol
It that paint protected? It's the USP of *that* bike. Do make sure you keep it looking good!
glad you got it sorted mate , still pricey but it's no a cheap bike and as you say the no no claims is going against you unfortunately