Got a feeling it will feel a beast to ride after being limited for the last 600 miles
I leave my grips on 100%. Surely they would switch back after a while if this was the case. Serotonin, check if your wiring loom is trapped by the left fork leg on right lock.
You'd think they would but apparently they don't. I'm only going by what I was told at the dealership, otherwise I'd leave them on at 100% too. I've been using summer gloves and knox cold killer liners when it's been chilly, can't beat winter gloves to keep hands warm tho. Summer isn't quite here yet!
Loom doesn't seem to be trapped, bit of creaking noise from the steering damper but I imagine that'll disappear as it breaks in.
Joeman - don't mean to be picky - but the screws covering the holes for the pillion pegs are alloy - not plastic. I thought they were plastic too until I removed them to put my R&G blanks in. I've now left the originals in as (imho) they look loads better.
My damper makes a squishing noise too, I think they're all the same, as for the loom issue mine was the same here too and I pointed this out to the dealer before delivery, they adjusted the loom positon so it didn't snag. You can feel the difference, right lock hits the stop but left lock doesn't, it squishes the loom ever so slightly beforehand.
The stock exhaust is like an opera singer - huge and ugly, but sounds fantastic! letting off to hear the pops is addictive.
PS Can I play with the lean angle stuff yet or is that a first service toy too?