How to not get caught on youtube by plod


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Dec 31, 2012
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Iv got a Go Pro HD and have been filming for a while but im abit worried about worried uploading it to youtube then getting having police knock on the door

Is there anyway of not getting caught?

I know a man on here that will have the answers lol.

Imo the best way to get caught is to put things like number plates in videos, dont have any that are outside or go from/lead to your house. Make it as difficult as possible to prove who is riding the bike - try not to show the rider or their gloves/leathers/helmet. And most importantly never ever admit you are the rider in the videos.
I think Andy's on about me lol.

I've already had my house raided my police mate, I was traced by my IP, they then raided my house and took everything electronic or motorcycle related so they could match them up to the video.

Best advice, is to use McDonalds wifi or a cafe's free wifi to upload your videos, NEVER upload from yours or a mates.
When making your youtube account, don't put any real details like your name/DOB.
Don't link your youtube account to your Facebook account ( a new option youtube introduced )

When filming, ie. from your tank looking forward, don't have your bloody name in stickers running up the screen.
Don't have any unique stickers on show (I had A537 Cat n fiddle stickers showing in my video)
and don't go pointing the camera at yourself, either on or off the bike.

Give the police the least evidence as possible to link you to the video.

or... Just don't upload it lol
Exactly what im worried will happen. OK il have it for personal viewing but then whats the point as i can remember the ride so might as well not use the Go Pro unless its like brighton burnup or something
N30 is pretty much on the money. Also blank out the plate on the vid. Oh yeah no talking.

They risk of shafting yourself is quite high these days. so you will have to be a bit C.S.I. in your self preservation.

Or use your mates bike :scooter: