2018 Euro Track Events


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Same as last years thread. Table of who's where and when in Europe, which hopefully encourages more people to take the plunge and experience these trips.

r25sti, shakeysdadAlmeria, Spain4-7 / FebFocused Events
paz_37, Mutl3yAlmeria, Spain10-14 MarchCircuit Moto
Bananaman, MibridgerAlmeria, Spain16-21 / March (3, 4, 5 or 6 days)Focused Events
exaltPortimao, Portugal24-26 MarchNo Limits
FlyingScotsman, Chris bAlmeria, Spain29 March - 4th AprilFocused Events
DarrylRRAlmeria, Spain18-21 AprilFocused Events
R41nD0gAlmeria, Spain4-7 MayFocused Events
FastbikeAlmeria, Spain17-20 MayCircuit Moto
Mutl3y, Chris BPortimao, Portugal9-11 JulyNo Limits
MibridgerImola, Italy11-13 AugustFocused Events
MibridgerMugello, Italy17-19 AugustFocused Events
FlyingScotsmanAlmeria, Spain5-11 SeptemberFocused Events
ScoobyAragon, Spain--
Mutl3yJerez, Spain16-18 OctoberCircuit Moto
NevsrevsCartagena, Spain
25-27th OctoberNo Limits
Alex, BananamanPortimao, Portugal1-4 NovemberFocused Events
RoyalPortimao, Portugal7-9 NovemberPaceDayz
POFCartagena, Spain
19-21 NovemberRedline
Scooby, Timbo S2Jerez, Spain1-3 DecemberFocused Events
MibridgerAlmeria, Spain7-10 DecemberFocused Events
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bloody hell, i havnt finished 2017 yet !! 😂

Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk
See you there Bananaman :)

I'm going in December and plan to leave the bike down there.
Hmmmm, 15deg......I can do those at home lol

Yep, definitely.... Did think about leaving it from October but I wouldn't know what to do without it lol ! Always fettling....
I know it saves you ?60 on transport plus to & fro pick up point but they sting you for ?60ish for insurance.

Am trying to work in Jerez and Mugello this year er indoors has had the bait :hurt:
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Haha, you have to do Mugello, it's a must.

Having said that, I am thinking about Brno next year, maybe as well as Mugello, depends who goes there and when.

FE already have the Imola/Mugello dates out, August again.

Counting down to Almeria, only 10 days away now ;-)
Almeria 10-14th March Circuit Moto.
Anyone Fancy doing Aragon 5-7th June with Circuit Moto???
Yup, currently looking at 18th for 4 days - will book in new year

Hoping to get a sub 1.50 this time - or close :D

Look forward to a meet ! 1.49.2 was my best last /this year, bit peeved was only point 2 from the 48's but there's always a limit to overcome. Best advice I can give is don't chase it, it will come naturally if you ride better....
I was going to book on Almeria 10-14th March Circuit Moto but it's sold out :-( anyone doing 17th-20th May 2018: Almeria Circuit Moto ?

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