Interesting that this appeared as i am due to get my bike serviced at the end of this month so I booked it into my local BMW dealer.
My bike has had it's PDI service, 600 mile, and then an annual one this time last year having done 3000 miles, the bike is a smidge over 5000 miles at the moment and so it's getting an annual.
What i found strange was that i got asked if the previous dealer had changed the brake fluid last year when it got serviced, naturally i didn't know so they rang the dealer and then rang me to say that the previous dealer couldn't confirm whether or not it got done (as it should be on it's first annual service) so naturally they want to do it on this service obviously adding more cost to it.
My first question to them was whether or not it was standard practice for a BMW dealership not to change the brake fluid and if it was also standard practice for them not to keep records of what has been done on a service, particularly if this dealership does (as they all should!) and given that the brake fluid is actually spotless and is showing no signs of discolouration whatsoever (it actually looks like it probably was changed this time last year with it only having done 2K miles) would it really get changed?
I was actually a bit miffed to hear that that they would have to change it to keep the warranty going (to be expected) but they had no explanation or idea as to why another BMW dealership would not have kept a record of what was done when it was serviced, or more importantly why they "assume" that other dealers do not service as per BMW's technical procedures and change the brake fluid when it is supposed to be done, thus ensuring the warranty remains intact.
I have to say it just smacks of trying to score another ?40 for the sake of it to me
Proposed cost of the annual service, including an air filter as they want to treat it like a 6000 service ?200-?240 (?240 with the brake fluid change).
Thankfully my warranty runs out in November as i'll stick to doing what i normally do and service them myself after that