My 2015 S1000RR observations


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Blimey they have been shaving weight off. The oil filter is half the size of the jap 1000's.
Anyone else have issues finding neutral when stationary. Just starting happening on mine. And it's not my boots. Pain in the proverbial...
I had neutral issue when I took a demonstrator out back in February, I adjusted the clutch free play as there was too much slack in it and it cured straight away. Doubt it helps your cause though, not had any issues on my own bike though.
Yes same for me but I seem to be able to find it if I do a "half hearted" shift almost a light pressure motion with the foot and it works every time.
Any other comments on the difficulty selecting neutral when stationary? Be good to get some more opinions before it goes to the dealer tomorrow!
I'd echo the comments already made stevie. That's the nature of the gearbox. Finding neutral before coming to a stop, or dropping in from 2nd is easy. The gearbox doesn't like moving up or down particularly if the wheels are not moving.

even when I'm cleaning the bike and need to get it into 1st from neutral I often have to roll it forward to get it to drop in.
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You're just got to give it half a tap very lightly , I hardly touch mine when I want to put it in neutral

To date I've not had any issues with finding neutral. The gearbox seems to respond easily if the gear change lever is tapped gently to select neutral whereas when selecting gears a much more positive selection at the lever works better.
hi steve! i had little issues with neutral and with my clutch........until i have adjusted the on fly clutch adjuster (i hope this is the correct englisch word for it :))

0,5-1 mm manual

after this it works perfect
hi steve! i had little issues with neutral and with my clutch........until i have adjusted the on fly clutch adjuster (i hope this is the correct englisch word for it :))

0,5-1 mm manual

after this it works perfect

Hey - have heard that this may be a fix. Will try it. Thanks!
I thought mine was difficult to get into neutral but 2nd to N works better for me anyway , had an extended test ride on a panigale 899 (no 1299 available :(..... ) this weekend and that thing was a b*tch to find neutral , there is worse out there gents .
Tbh I've not had anyone probs selecting neutral but I have changed levers and adjusted them
seems fine even when stationary ����
Tbh I've not had anyone probs selecting neutral but I have changed levers and adjusted them
seems fine even when stationary ����
I agree about the adjustment... I tightened my clutch cable last night (the dealer fitted the HP Levers with about 2.5mm of slack :confused:) and the shifter works slicker all round and changing into neutral from 1st seemed a lot easier this morning.