I have no idea what its called but it happened on 4 trackdays until i changed it and done 3 with near perfect wearAre you saying it was hot tear then, as it looks cold to me.
Alex. On a different note, did things calm down after I left, it was quite a weird febrile atmosphere, any more ambulances? I was only there for an hour or so late morning and saw loads of crashed bikes, especially in the fast group. Do you think they were trying to keep up with Mr BSB? I've never heard the tannoy telling everyone to calm down before.
We need to talk about camera angles
Thank Bman nice to have someone follow me for a bit.
I can see where I was losing time maybe those, Galfers need to go they were vibrating under maximum effort.
The blast out of clearways the RR certainly lays down the power
- Alex
Its a good idea to see the dash too. Thats how i learn. You can see how different exits and lines etc effect your speeds:encouragement: To be fair, it's the angle I use to see track, rpm, gears etc for personal use lol. Should've raised it for the day.... Good to see your lines picked up ….Good day all round