BMW better than 16 zx10 ?


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and rr ew

Well-known member
Mar 20, 2015
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Check out Aprils PB mag, out guns it on top trump facts 0-60,0-100,bhp etc
The ZX10's a smart bike but it comes up short in every dept. v the BM and doesn't cost much less, I don't know why you'd buy one unless it was a kitted one for racing
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2016 ZX10 has the latest euro 4 emissions placed upon it, which restricts power considerably. Enjoy the power of the 15 S1000 the likes of which you may never see again!
Incidently, MCN has just tested the 16 ZX10 against the BM, Duc, R1, RSV the results will be in the rag next Wed.
Yeah can't wait for MCN's view!! So that'll be R1 first, Pani second....
Will depend on who gives the magazine testers the biggest back hander there all full of **** . Bm for the roads zx for the track would be my choice . Also zx needs ?3000 upgrade ecu full system to get its full power to exp for jap quality or lack of it should i say .
Problem with these test's is that if you want to find out which is best , put a real racer on them. I don't mean club racers (apologies for the guy's on here). Rutter for instance, went faster around Mallory and Oulton Park on the S1000 than the R1. American racer Josh Hayes went faster around Laguna Seca on the BM and the R1 was 4th fastest. See what I'm saying?
Yes true, for the rest of us I suppose brand loyalty, how the bike looks, local dealer etc comes into play as much as anything else but the S1000 is the runaway best seller year after year as it gives most riders who want to part with ?15k for a new bike what they want.
Whether a racer or a man in the street is quicker on a BM or an R1 is irrelevant to me. I want to know how I ride it and how it feels to me.
MN races an RR with Prime Factors so I use that as a bit of a barometer as to what he really thinks ;) The press is not free...
couldn't help but notice the 16 ZX10 faired well in WSBK.......again
Surely its just a subjective "which one do you like" for folk like us ?