What BMW have said about the problem makes complete sense, even though it is piss poor to produce a bike that is not correctly weighted. For example my hp4 runs perfectly true in a straight line with hands off the bars, must remember to make a note of that for the next time someone asks what's the difference between one and a 3rd gen lol.
Swapping your exhaust for a lighter one will have an effect, other than that I can't think of much else you can change to help centre the weight better.
You may find that some owners notice the veering more than others, and rider weight (as BMW also noted) can make a significant difference obviously. So I wouldn't be completely comfortable saying one bike does and another doesn't unless you personally have proved it.
clutch cable etc I believe is clutching at straws

. The minimal pull, if any, the clutch cable might have on the bars would be negated by the gyroscopic forces of the wheel spinning and trying to go in a straight line. If it was pulling that much on the bars then turning the bars in the opposite direction would have more resistance and would also be noticeable.