What have you done to your bike today


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Bolted on a Chinese double bubble screen (for a whole £12 + shipping) to see if it makes a noticeable difference to my neck on long runs. Have to say, was a bit shocked at how good the quality seems to be (apart from a slight mismatch of the furthest forward bolt holes - which the rubber bungs had enough play to cater for) Proper moulded ABS, not the usual vac-formed piece of cheap perspex.

Will see how it does.
Checked tyre pressures (very low).
Waxed and polished the fairing,
checked chain,
fired it up and ran it for 10 minutes until it was very hot,
turned it off.

All set for the weekend.
BigDave, that is easily by far the nicest Sthou bodywork I've seen yet (minus the alien head stickers). Jealous for sure.

That subtle gold looks great. Have you thought about a second set of wheels and doing them in the gold to see how it looks?
BigDave, that is easily by far the nicest Sthou bodywork I've seen yet (minus the alien head stickers). Jealous for sure.

That subtle gold looks great. Have you thought about a second set of wheels and doing them in the gold to see how it looks?

Thanks Ross, i'm quite happy with it, its my first attempt at spraying and only using halford rattlecans. it could be neater if you look close, but theres a fair chance it'll end up in the gravel trap so its good enough! :D
A mate has just had his R1 sprayed matt black and gold, (at a cost of about 600quid...!!) i loved it so decided to copy, but fancied a little project.

I will be getting a set of wheels for some slicks, hadnt thought about spraying them, might give it a go, or maybe stick with rimtape?

Edit to add:The gold is actually a Rover colour - 'Cashmere Gold' !!
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Bolted on a Chinese double bubble screen (for a whole £12 + shipping) to see if it makes a noticeable difference to my neck on long runs. Have to say, was a bit shocked at how good the quality seems to be (apart from a slight mismatch of the furthest forward bolt holes - which the rubber bungs had enough play to cater for) Proper moulded ABS, not the usual vac-formed piece of cheap perspex.

Will see how it does.

I bought one for he track, the bottom had turned up like a ducks beak lol. Not a prob as I cut it off but find the plastic does scratch very easy when cleaning
Thanks Ross, i'm quite happy with it, its my first attempt at spraying and only using halford rattlecans. it could be neater if you look close, but theres a fair chance it'll end up in the gravel trap so its good enough! :D
A mate has just had his R1 sprayed matt black and gold, (at a cost of about 600quid...!!) i loved it so decided to copy, but fancied a little project.

I will be getting a set of wheels for some slicks, hadnt thought about spraying them, might give it a go, or maybe stick with rimtape?

Edit to add:The gold is actually a Rover colour - 'Cashmere Gold' !!

I like the gold because it's matt like the black. If it was a shiny polished gold effect it would look horrid, but as it is, it's bang on.

With the wheels, maybe a two tone like this:

Decision would be which colour went where. I'd say Gold in the middle, which will help blend in with the gold lines on front fairing and tail unit, making the wheels look overall part of the design. Just my 2 pence. And warning, I might nick your colour scheme if I ever drop the bike and need new fairing. (Wife wouldn't authorise a colour change just for the sake of it)
Bigdave, that bike looks the biz, really like the gold on black. Reminds me of the JPS F1 cars.
Checking oil at the weekend, discovered it was a bit low (couple of mil just above min when hot) Figured it isn't out of the question for a rebuilt engine to use a little oil, so ordered the proper unicorn sweat from Opie Oils. Arrived today.

Getting it up to temp - realise that the oil has been weeping from the cooler - not bad, but it'll only go one way... Washed the cooler through with some carb cleaner and a soft brush and can't see damage - so on the email to the dealer with photos to see what they say...

I can't remember smashing any mirrors?
I bought one for he track, the bottom had turned up like a ducks beak lol. Not a prob as I cut it off but find the plastic does scratch very easy when cleaning

Yeah, can see it probably will - at that money, though it's almost a consumable!

Certainly made a massive amount of difference on a long run recently - got a neck like a giraffe and the standard height screen was leaving me with a really sore neck + headaches after any time in the saddle. Now, cruise at 80 on the mway (going to work) and I can sit nearly upright with no windblast to the face. Best £13 I've spent on the bike yet.
BigDave. Your bike has made it's way onto the BMW S1000RR facebook page. No info just the picture.... it's famous now

fitted a Wunderlich Ergo seat high, it just relaxes my knee bend to make the bike very comfortable for a sports bike
Shocker Alert:

I washed mine today.

Proof I did it myself

There be gold under that there oil and grease

Now I'm sure I didn't do the same quality of job you guys do, but it's a start...baby steps as they say
Top man keep it simple would be my advice, be warned! cleaning cars/bikes starts small and soon becomes an obsession

That is a shocker Ross :encouragement: are you feeling ok ?

Andy, that is a lot of cleaning products, do you need help?

1. I'll never get to Andy's level of clean.

2. I had the option of cleaning the bike or spending the day with wife and kids..
Top man keep it simple would be my advice, be warned! cleaning cars/bikes starts small and soon becomes an obsession

I am fairly obsessive with cleaning bikes and cars, but that is proper obsessive Andy. Even your microfibre cloths are neatly folded. Lol.

ross, now it's clean it'll go faster!

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