New battery


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Well-known member
Dec 24, 2013
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Just tried starting the bike on the maintenance stand so I could lubricate the chain and the battery is dead. I had to trickle charge it after the winter months which I wasn't surprised about but after going out on it Saturday and Sunday I thought it might be back to life. Turns out it's not. Soooooo I need a new battery. Has anyone got an upgraded one? Or know any cheap places to buy one?

Im going to ring my friend and ask him to get me a price but thought I'd see what you lot was using?

No one? Took my battery to my friends and the local spares bike shop and they can't find a match for the battery...
Never bothered to look at battery, but just searching ebay seems to show many ranging from £30 to £120
Yeah but there's 4different types of batteries for the s1000. I've rung several places and found a place that sells the same battery that's currently in the bike. So jobs a good un as they say.
Mine a 2010 aswell. Huh. Never been good with batteries. Usually have to buy a new one every 2years!
Mine a 2010 aswell. Huh. Never been good with batteries. Usually have to buy a new one every 2years!

I've got the original battery for my other bike still on it after nearly 5 years. I put it on trickle charge when I'm not on it for a few days. If you don't excercise the battery for long periods it stops holding its charge (something to do with the chemistry I have been told) so you have no option but to replace, hence why it doesn't get charged on a ride out even though you get it started. Same with cars. I set up my charger so I can plug in under the pillion seat on the hp4 in a few seconds (have to remove the seat cowl). It is routine when I put the bikes away. :).
Under the pillion seat? Is that where the battery is on the hp4? Got any photo's?
do you turn the handlebars all the way to the left and then 'lock' the steering lock before you take the key out ? or just turn it off and remove the key. some one told me to do this a few months back as it shuts all the electronic gizmo's down and saves the battery. (I might have been told a load of porkies tho, any one else know ?)
I do put the steering lock on. But I read somewhere that if you leave the battery connected for a long period of time with out starting/running the bike, the clock and stuff like that drain the battery ever so slightly.
I can't remember the technical ref. but the 2011 RR has 10 cell battery without the bmw alarm fitted and supplied with 12 cell if fitted with the alarm

Having fitted an alarm, winter gloves connection and needs starting everyday and in cold weathers I upgraded to 14 cell or the YTZ 14S.

Limited by the battery tray, this fits perfectly as its the same size at the 12.

Every little bit (of juice) helps.