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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2016
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And then this happens.....


lady was turning right and did not see my .... Saw the white van, but not me.....

By the time there was impact, I was doing about 10mph... however, I could not get my leg out in time and the bike landed on me... I was pinned down, however, a few people came over and helped lift it off me.... I got up... nothing broken -other than my bike :-(

Police and ambulance on scene and after the basic questions, exchanged details....

I managed to ride the bike home....could not tell if anything was bent internally, however, I am now coming off the shock and adrenaline and feeling like i have done a few rounds in the ring.

Question is:

1. Not tell my insurance company as it was the lady who said it was clearly her fault...and claim off her insurance
2. Should I go and inform my insurance company...
3. directly to the underwriters and inform them...

I will assess the damage in the morning... basic view was front right fairing knackered.... a fair few scrapes on the left... (my leg too most of the force)

Anything I should be weary of?

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Holy shit m8.. thats bad luck...think your best declaring it...too many people about otherwise...
Nice wee bird there.. you never got her details did you ... lol.. jokin..at least your OK...


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Her fault then claim

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I am pretty sure that when the claim goes through,the details of your bike being in an accident will be logged on the insurance database, so your insurers or potential next insurers will find out.
Do you know an insurance broker to ask "off the record"?
Or you could google it.
Ahhh shit that sucks but glad you are ok

- Sent from Mobile
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Glad your ok Immortal, things could be a lot worse. I would tell the insurance as it wasn't your fault, unless the woman driver was paying for the repairs cash.
I think you will be appalled at the price BMW will estimate for the repairs but they will quote for all brand new parts and then the labour. If you are fully comp. you might be entitled to a courtesy bike or car too.

Best of luck pal, least no broken bones.

Yes, tell your insurer. No blame no claim (I.e. It shouldn't affect your insurance). If you don't disclose you are effectively invalidating your own policy as the insurer will have it in their terms that all claims and/or accidents (regardless of fault) must be declared.

Sorry to see this happen. Glad you are ok, bikes can be fixed. If the frame is scratched you might find it is a write off.
Hell fire - bloody car drivers (see how I skilfully avoided using the word 'woman' there :) .. arse.. too late) ..

Glad you're ok - it could have been a lot worse for both you and the bike. Thank goodness for small mercies eh.. If it is a write-off, I'm sure one of the track boys will be interested.
Really sorry to hear about this. Glad that you're OK, though. Definitely should declare to your insurance, but tell them other party admitted responsibility & you're not at fault.
do not talk to her insurance company. only deal with yours. her company will try to get out of it as there on her side even if she says its her fault. yours will sort you out then go after them.
Got an email to say 3rd party admitted full liability.... bike assessment done and given in the Bahnstormer in Alton.... great bunch of guys... even sorted me out a loan bike :-(


No more filtering for a while... the engine only has 300 miles so it's restricted!! But it beats the tube every day !!

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Result Immortal, great that she admitted all liability. Let us know the assessment costs, I bet it will make you wince.

Call her insurer, ask to speak to the third party claims people. That way you won't pay your excess and they'll likely be very helpful in getting you a courtesy bike etc - in order to avoid the ambulance chasing claims management company your insurer will certainly pass you on to if you go via your own policy.

It it will still be a claim, and will need to be declared, but going direct to the third party insurer is the best possible way to get things done.
Call her insurer, ask to speak to the third party claims people. That way you won't pay your excess and they'll likely be very helpful in getting you a courtesy bike etc - in order to avoid the ambulance chasing claims management company your insurer will certainly pass you on to if you go via your own policy.

It it will still be a claim, and will need to be declared, but going direct to the third party insurer is the best possible way to get things done.

see i would go completely the opposite to this.lol .. your own insurance company will have your back and claim everything they need back from her company. If for some reason her company can somehow wriggle out of anything they will. My mate had someone hit his car and badly damage his bumper whilst parked outside of his house. they even admitted it to the police so my mate let her insurance company deal with it and they come along and said the damaged could have all ready been there as he had hit a pigeon and cracked a grill a few weeks earlier. he ended up paying over a grand himself to get it sorted. even his insurance company couldn't deal with it as an insurance company had all ready said no.he was fully comp too.
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see i would go completely the opposite to this.lol .. your own insurance company will have your back and claim everything they need back from her company. If for some reason her company can somehow wriggle out of anything they will. My mate had someone hit his car and badly damage his bumper whilst parked outside of his house. they even admitted it to the police so my mate let her insurance company deal with it and they come along and said the damaged could have all ready been there as he had hit a pigeon and cracked a grill a few weeks earlier. he ended up paying over a grand himself to get it sorted. even his insurance company couldn't deal with it as an insurance company had all ready said no.he was fully comp too.

In a clear cut liability situation, it's usually much more effective going straight to the third party. The CMCs have made claims so expensive, the total claims cost will end up so high with needlessly inflated hire-vehicle charges that your own insurer, against which a non-fault claim will have to be logged, will often increase premiums because the statistical risk is higher and the underwriting algorithm takes the claim value into account when assessing risk profile - even where you weren't at fault. Particularly in a situation where there are witnesses, and/or a police report, going straight to the third party will normally get the claim resolved faster and at lower cost.

I used to write quotation engines for computerised underwriting, and claims value was a large weighting factor in risk profiling. Anything you can do to keep the claims value down will help - even non-fault, 100% recovery claims will adversely impact your future premium.
I had the phonecall from BMW.....Are you sitting down...... ?9,504 for replacement "PARTS" only !! :-(

Main cost is for a frame where the Bung has been bent backwards and so this would have damaged the frame?? Who am I to argue... Just waiting for the official email to come through...

This is my worst nightmare !!
Yes that is a lot, but you might end up getting a brand new bike if the insurance consider it a write-off when labour is factored in.
Main thing is that the other parties insurance will be paying for repair or replacement.

Hope you get it sorted quickly though !
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