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Aug 16, 2020
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Hi all

hopefully picking up a gen 3 this week after 9 years on an SV650s (my first bike). Have had the S1kRR in my sights for some time but I do so little miles it's been difficult to justify the cost (and the insurance!?!). I've focused more on cars up over the years but love of bikes has always been there.

finally decided it's time but perhaps for the gen 3 and not gen 4.

Thanks for the add to the forum.
Welcome to the forum!

What have been your favourite experiences onboard the SV650?
What sort of riding do you enjoy?

Enjoy the forum and I hope you find your ideal S1000RR in the near future [emoji846]
Cracking choice of bike! Welcome to the forum. Keep us updated with pics of your new bike when you find it
I've been a fair weather rider so most of my miles have been weekend jaunts around the S Wales coast and up to Brecon and Mid-Wales. Not ridden much for the last 2 years as i'd lost enjoyment on the SV. The SV is immaculate but combination of it's age, power and cheap suspension has meant i've ridden it less and less.

Wanted an S1K since the launch but the insurance costs have been silly until the last few years so finally decided to pick one up but thought a Gen 3 was a more 'sensible' option and i'll leave them sort out the initial Gen 4 niggles before I pick one up in a few years :tongue-new:
cheers, couldn't quite agree a deal on the one bike so the search continues.