Go Pro Mounting


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Well-known member
Mar 15, 2016
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Kent Surrey border
Looking to mount my go pro I just bought ready for trip to Switzerland, Italy starting next Saturday just wondering where a good place is?

I am thinking in the intake area? Will this screw with bike at all? Also bit worried that the adhesive from the mount may mess the plastic when I remove it on returning?

Seen some other posts... That looks like a common place with great shots. May be worth thinking about power supply?
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Personally I'd put in on the screen. Least you can see its there, get power to it etc
Mounted mine on the screen on my blade and too much vibration for my liking. Have got a Telferizer on order and plan to shoot thru the screen. Don't think you need to worry about removing the GoPro mounts as long as you warm them up they come off clean. My biggest worry about mounting on the air intake is where to put the safety tether.
I've got a mount on the tank between the filler cap and the tank fairing. Gets a nice shot of the clocks and everything in front.

I also experimented with mounting to the frame on the left side but it does restrict the view..


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My camera caught a rock last time out at Snetterton. I highly recommend mounting behind the screen ;)

See video in the link below.