Soof - the i2i Knee Down course might be what you want...they do them up your way too.
In fact it's not that much money/time to go through MC1/3/5 & Knee Down with them.
Just had a day with Nemomoto as in Nemomoto rider development. Ex CSS instructor (I've done level 1&2). ? for ? it's the best money you will spend. The whole track day 1-1, on sessions and between sessions. That man really knows his stuff imo, I came away with more knowledge enabling me to not only go quicker but to go quicker safely with more control. He's on facebook, well worth investigating.
hey Bananaman.....just checked this guy out on FB...he looks really interesting! Would you recommend doing CSS before hiring a guy like this? I've done lots of road riding but only done one trackday so far, so just wondering if his training might be too in depth for me at this stage?
BTW...i've left you some more of my thoughts on advanced road riding in that other thread last night ...
hope it makes sense?! :confused-new:
Nope, by-pass css, you will learn a good deal more in a day with him, he won't teach what you already might know, he also coaches safer road riding so no job too small.....Did you read some testimonials on his site?