Yeah. Its going to go this year. Pretty sure.
- Sent from Mobile
Get rid Alex, its a shame but that bikes been giving you issues for quite a while now..
Yeah. Its going to go this year. Pretty sure.
- Sent from Mobile
Holy **** mate! Just come across your post... what a ******, thats crap luck bud and sorry to hear.Just getting on my flight. Will start fresh tomorrow on the plans going fwd.
Anyone wanting to buy my place at Andalucia 10-13 Mar...i'm pretty keen to sell it, can xfer flights too. Out on 9th back on 13th. (Gatwick Almeria)
Is that with FE?I paid for a hire bike for 3 days today. So I'll be there, one way or the other 10-13March. I need some practice whatever else.
We arrive Thursday 9th,though we're not on track 'til Tuesday.