What pi$$ed me off today...


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fatbob link=topic=486.msg15061#msg15061 date=1350831824 said:
Ashbourne road 515 and a black 5 series beemer :(
was around ashbourne for 5 hrs or so on saturday bob, phewwww
A black a3 on the 406 with a stupid old bit with driving gloves on that thinks its funny to cut you up slam their brakes on and give you the bird when you flash at them. Then proceede to drive like a tw4t.

Luckily I had my calm head on as I seriously could have kicked the **** out of and car
Month old iPad4 has developed a screen fault :( wouldn't be so bad but this is my third one with an issue (previous two had case damage out the box). Should have just kept my iPad3 (gave to missus)! *sign*
My iPad 3 being dropped by my wife who forgot it was on her lap when she got out of the car??????

Lovely dent in the alu case