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Well-known member
Dec 5, 2018
Reaction score
Hi all,

Just wondering if anyone has been to any of their Euro events? I am thinking of doing one at the end of Feb/early March, i like the what their site is saying and just wondered if anyone else had some insight.

I had a search but their seems to be minimum chat on here.


yea done quite a few days with them,they usually piggy back onto another TDO but the days are well run,usually with live timing which you can see anytime,and sometimes a race for fun on the last day,but depends on the main organiser.

stillages are small,and will have to pay for anything else you take,plus Tony can be a miserable sod but dosn't effect your day,just dont expect pally chats with him :)
I have been with them a few time and it's always been well run. You can get a fair bit in the stilledges buts it's a packing task for sure. The fun races are cool but some have said it's a bit cheeky as they form part of the day and you have to pay to enter them but, it's an option to have. The other TD company they do there days with is Bike Promotion, a German company that they sub the hire bikes through.

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yea done quite a few days with them,they usually piggy back onto another TDO but the days are well run,usually with live timing which you can see anytime,and sometimes a race for fun on the last day,but depends on the main organiser.

stillages are small,and will have to pay for anything else you take,plus Tony can be a miserable sod but dosn't effect your day,just dont expect pally chats with him :)

Are the other TDO guys from the UK, i.e no limits or just another European setup? I have heard about Tony not being the most talkative...makes you wonder why you'd do this as a job when you kinda need to be a people person haha! Do the stillages offer enough space for spare tyres, your leathers, warmers?

TripleJimmy, bit cheeky you have to pay to enter, does that mean it eats into your track day time? i.e you have 8 sessions but the last session is now a race?
no usually german (DG,bike promotions),but the days are run very well,as you'd expect from the germans ;).

stillages,can get most stuff on,but spare wheels dont usually fit (if theres 2 of you trying to get it all on),and/or kit bag,it's 1 or the other.if theres a few of you,you can buy extra pallet space which works out cheaper.

As for Tony,he runs a good,thats all you want really
no usually german (DG,bike promotions),but the days are run very well,as you'd expect from the germans ;).

stillages,can get most stuff on,but spare wheels dont usually fit (if theres 2 of you trying to get it all on),and/or kit bag,it's 1 or the other.if theres a few of you,you can buy extra pallet space which works out cheaper.

As for Tony,he runs a good,thats all you want really

Ah got you...then yeah you are right it will probably be run exceptionally well.

With the stillages i will be Billy no mates, so it will just be me, bike and my gear. I'd probably take a spare set of tyres maybe but i am not in the realms of bring spare wheels just yet. What is the accommodation like? It looks ok from what i've seen on the site.
TripleJimmy, bit cheeky you have to pay to enter, does that mean it eats into your track day time? i.e you have 8 sessions but the last session is now a race?

Yeah it can do depending on the event and what the Germans are doing e.g. if it's 4 days then they might run 3 days as normal and on the 4th day they might have a couple races over lunch and in the afternoon so you might only get 1 session in the PM. Not such an issue on 4 day events as your generally knackered anyway. Tony normally sends a timetable of the event the week before.

Hotel wise I have done Almeria, and Slovakiaring with them and hotels have been decent both times, breakfast can be busy and is pretty basic. Does the job though.

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ok,we've stayed at a few different places,some in Almeria,which are good,and some in mojacar,which is also good.had a dodgey one in jerez last time but nothing too bad
Yeah it can do depending on the event and what the Germans are doing e.g. if it's 4 days then they might run 3 days as normal and on the 4th day they might have a couple races over lunch and in the afternoon so you might only get 1 session in the PM. Not such an issue on 4 day events as your generally knackered anyway. Tony normally sends a timetable of the event the week before.

Hotel wise I have done Almeria, and Slovakiaring with them and hotels have been decent both times, breakfast can be busy and is pretty basic. Does the job though.

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Awesome, this is the kinda information that is really helpful. I am pretty certain i am going to book and being my first Euro trip I want to go with one that is fairly well run and has good feedback. I have been looking on other forums and most people seem to rate them highly.
Yeah no complaints really, I would recommend them. Tony can be a bit prickly but, does loosen up if he sees you a few times, everyone else it top draw. He will sometime get Simon crafar to do a free lunch time chat if he is at the event doing his motovudo which is always good.

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Yeah no complaints really, I would recommend them. Tony can be a bit prickly but, does loosen up if he sees you a few times, everyone else it top draw. He will sometime get Simon crafar to do a free lunch time chat if he is at the event doing his motovudo which is always good.

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Actually one of the other reasons i was looking at Tracksense was because Crafar teaches there apparently. And i am tempted to invest in having some training with him, i generally like the way he comes across after watching several videos of his.
i'd check that first tbh as now he's doing the gp stuff,he's not doing anywhere as much track stuff,might be ok with it being off season though,certainly aint cheap mind
I checked with them and they said it is most likely they will be there. I do agree it isn't cheap but then again what training is these days. Anyway, it is not a major issue if he isn't there i am sure they have other coaches.
usually only 1 instructer with t/s,cant remember his name,but it's not like NL where they provide free instruction,if you want him you have to pay.
deffo look at simon then if he's there,great coach,and prob the nicest bloke you'll meet in the paddock
Awesome. I’m pretty excited now about doing a Euro trip and if I get some training that’s a huge bonus.
did the Almeria/andalucia trip with them in Oct as circuitmoto pulled the plug. stayed at the same hotel in Almeria as we did in march with him, not bad at all, half board. Days are run well, Tony is ok once you get used to his mannerisms.
he is spot on with his admin, keeps you well informed. think he uses a fella called simpson as his instructor when hes there.
when we went in March only 40+ riders across 3 groups and not many more there this time either.
simon Crafer not there in October, it was Gary from Notso fast coaching. few fellas had him across a few days and found him very helpful. one of the lads was stuck on a 148 around almeria, had an hour with him day 3, day 4 got down to a 146 which he was well chuffed with.
you do pay a little extra but for me you know what you getting.
I’ve done some days at Cartagena with bike promotions. They’re a big outfit across Europe and very professional.