throttle body issue?


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Aug 31, 2016
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At the end of last season my 2011 went into limp mode.
I purchased a gs911 and it tells me that the throttle valve servo motor is defective.
Can any one help me with this please.
I removed the air filter and am able to get my fingers onto the throttle plates.
i can move them a bit and see the readings on the gs911, ~4-5%
I reset the adaption and now the motor makes a chattering noise when i turn it on.
also the throttle position reading goes from 0% to 50% at half throttle and then from -50% to 0% from half throttle to full throttle.

please help
Phil Crowe has a vast experience in all things BMW related. He's based in Market Rasen. Thats my first point of contact. Have you thought about changing the servo,
The below message is from the USA forum.

My friend bought a salvage s1000rr that did not start, it would crank but never start. With the GS-911, we got the error message 20000 and 20001 that says malfunction of the throttle valve servomotor.

I took the airbox out, stuck a screw in one of the butterflies to have them 30% open and the bike started and kept running with no problems. So it really was the servo not opening the butterflies.

Our problem now is that according to the Max BMW fiche, the part costs $1,200 and contains the servomotor but also the whole throttle body and butterflies.

That seems crazy. Does anybody know if it's possible to only buy the servo or is it possible to repair that servo ?

Thanks in advance.
Re: throttle body issue?

Phil Crowe has a vast experience in all things BMW related. He's based in Market Rasen. Thats my first point of contact. Have you thought about changing the servo,
The below message is from the USA forum.

My friend bought a salvage
s1000rr that did not start, it would crank but never start. With the GS-911, we got the error message 20000 and 20001 that says malfunction of the throttle valve servomotor.

I took the airbox out, stuck a screw in one of the butterflies to have them 30% open and the bike started and kept running with no problems. So it really was the servo not opening the butterflies.

Our problem now is that according to the Max BMW fiche, the part costs $1,200 and contains the servomotor but also the whole
throttle body and butterflies.

That seems crazy. Does anybody know if it's possible to only buy the servo or is it possible to repair that servo ?

Thanks in advance.
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fixed ! yay (so far)
I removed the throttle body this morning. Separated the 2 half's of the throttle body (not for the faint of heart !)
The first half with the motor and gearbox works perfect.
The second half was seized !
There is a bushing holding a lever which is entrained by the first half that needed some lubing.
Now the second half works smooth.
For anyone wanting to test the throttle body movement BEFORE removing it heres how.
I did this test before i removed the throttle body but wasn't sure if it was supposed to move or not, now i know, its supposed to move by hand.
The gearbox resistance isn't enough to keep you from moving it.
So, first disconnect the battery for safety purposes.
Remove the airfilter so you can get your hand into the airbox.
You should be able to get your fingers onto the throttle plates (butterflies) and gently push down on them.
They should move throughout its course. Mine didn't! At all.
I will reassemble tomorrow since i've already taken up to much of family day.
I just needed to figure this out for my sanity.