Test ride


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Well-known member
Nov 12, 2016
Reaction score
Reading, Berkshire
Yesterday I had a test ride on a 2017 RR and R. Almost the perfect day for riding.

The RR had not had the first service so was still limited. Even with that it got to high speeds very quickly. Probably worryingly so in terms of licence. Quick shifter was great, as were brakes. It felt great - very flattering.
Not used to the position so neck and shoulders ached after a couple of hours. I wonder if that would get better the more I rode it.

I then tried the R. That had had the first service. It didn't make me want to go as fast (good for licence - I think 110 would be top speed which I know is still frowned on) but it was great accelerating hard up the Rev range and using quick shifter. Quick shifter didn't feel as good as the RR tho.
Wide bars - little tight on some filtering. Again very confidence inspiring. I do think they are as ugly as sin tho.

really not sure where to go from here (I know it's something only I can decide). Had my heart set on the RR but worried about comfort and licence. ?16k is a lot to spend to find it's not for me.

Also really not sure how GPS could be fitted to RR. Fitting it on my current bike made such a world of difference in terms of getting out and discovering places (even if I found those places were actually rubbish).

And absolutely no deals to be had despite what dealers such as Lind are doing (they're a bit too far away for me really but it might be worth it - not sure the value of the first 3 services).
Its a big jump from a CBR650 to a litre sports bike, I guess you've just found that out. The RR is comfortable even at low speed and 2 up but its never going to be as relaxed as a bike with an upright riding position. As for speed, you can use your licence on anything and unless you don't care a degree of self restraint is required with any fast bike on the road - hence the popularity of track days but personally I don't find it a problem. I suggest you ride a few other bikes - MT10, KTM1290, GSXR750, Speed triple, Tuono etc so you get a better feel for what else is available before taking the plunge.
Thanks. Can, great advice.
i have a triumph dealer just down the road so I can get a test ride on the Street Triple easily enough. Yamaha dealer near work. It may make me think about other options even if it's not what I was expecting.

many thanks
Don't worry, we can deliver to Reading :p

We tend to fit the GPS on a ram mount on the top yoke of the RRs, but it does mean a glance down to see it (which obviously takes your eyes off the road).

I think riding position on the RR is something you would eventually get used to, but you've got to accept it will take a while to get into it.

The other thing you can consider is Heli-Bars which change the wrist position and force you upright a bit more, just unloads the pressure a bit.

Hope this helps :)
My neck and shoulders ache after the first ride of the year on the HP4, its simply a case of getting the muscles used to the position with the forces involved. If you take it out again next weekend and you don't ache then you know that's all it is. Helibars tend to help riders more with taking load off the wrists by giving them a more upright position. Strictly speaking you shouldn't have load on the wrists when riding as your core should support you, but I don't think that's what you have described feeling anyway.
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If it dont make you ache and it dont scare you , its the wrong bike 😂😂😂
Seriously though i find the s1kr much easier to ride any distance than my r1. I commute on mine daily so maybe the muscles have adapted like soof said. The day they make a "comfortable" hyperbike i will quit

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I have a ram mount on my top yoke for GPS and it works a treat.

As for the sore neck it's only the first rides of the season when you will notice it, I have suzuki drz400sm that I ride through winter and I got on the BMW and was asking my self how did I manage this, two weeks later in loving it again.
Don't worry, we can deliver to Reading :p

We tend to fit the GPS on a ram mount on the top yoke of the RRs, but it does mean a glance down to see it (which obviously takes your eyes off the road).

I think riding position on the RR is something you would eventually get used to, but you've got to accept it will take a while to get into it.

The other thing you can consider is Heli-Bars which change the wrist position and force you upright a bit more, just unloads the pressure a bit.

Hope this helps :)

Thanks Tim, I'll drop you a PM when I have a few more mins. ��

I dont suppose pose you have any pics of an RR with GPS installed? I use a headset so I wouldn't need to look at it that often and if I was I'd expect to be going at a (relatively) sedate pace... ��
My neck and shoulders ache after the first ride of the year on the HP4, its simply a case of getting the muscles used to the position with the forces involved. If you take it out again next weekend and you don't ache then you know that's all it is. Helibars tend to help riders more with taking load off the wrists by giving them a more upright position. Strictly speaking you shouldn't have load on the wrists when riding as your core should support you, but I don't think that's what you have described feeling anyway.

Yes, you're right - I wasn't complaining about wrists. I did expect them to hurt but they were absolutely fine. Must be all those wrist exercises I do. ��
Ill try to take a serviced RR out next weekend tho I have a few things going on and the weather looks rubbish. That could be make or break.
thanks for the suggestions.
I have a ram mount on my top yoke for GPS and it works a treat.

As for the sore neck it's only the first rides of the season when you will notice it, I have suzuki drz400sm that I ride through winter and I got on the BMW and was asking my self how did I manage this, two weeks later in loving it again.

If you get a minute, any chance you could post a few pics? I'd like to see from the side and with and without device; does it block the view of display? What device do you have? I have Garmin 590.
The more I think about it, the more I think I should go for it. Will go out again and see how it goes.

i went from Guildford down the A31, A32(?) to loomies, A272 to petersfield and then A3 back to Guildford - about 75- 80 miles. Was a good test run. Doing that on my first ride probably shows that it wasn't too bad.
If attached a few pics for you, I use my mobile and Google maps but you get adaptors for garmin.


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Thank you for taking the time to post the pics P0ul. I guess that's about how I imagined it'd look but I'd need to sit on a bike with it in place to see how happy I was with that. Blocks the view of the display (mine would block even more I think - it's considerably bigger than a smartphone). it might seem weird and very anal but not having GPS is a serious issue for me as having it makes me get out there so much more. Ah well, something for me to ponder over once I have got a few other things in my life sorted out.

Sincere apologies for the time it took me to reply and to thank you - it's been a very long week (tho that's not really an excuse).

I've just got the Telferizer after having the Ram Mount made version.
Telferizer is better imo.

- Sent from Mobile
Where can you buy a Telferizer?

And no problem for the photos, glad to help.
I'm using a ram mount from Telferizer for my GPS http://www.telferizer.com/ ....i'll aim to take a pic for you at the weekend but i have my TomTom 410 positioned to the right hand side of the dash so you have a clear view of both. You can power the sat nav from the CanBus port on the right hand side of the bike but need to buy a connecter cable from BMW (?12). I believe there are a couple of Garmin models that won't power up from the CanBus so check with your dealer.
As everyone is saying above, the first few trips feel pretty uncomfortable but them you should mould to the bike. You ideally need a strong core for riding a sports bike so you're not putting any weight on to your wrists. If you go fast enough the wind should hold you up!:chuncky:
If you get a minute, any chance you could post a few pics? I'd like to see from the side and with and without device; does it block the view of display? What device do you have? I have Garmin 590.
Thank you for taking the time to post the pics P0ul. I guess that's about how I imagined it'd look but I'd need to sit on a bike with it in place to see how happy I was with that. Blocks the view of the display (mine would block even more I think - it's considerably bigger than a smartphone). it might seem weird and very anal but not having GPS is a serious issue for me as having it makes me get out there so much more. Ah well, something for me to ponder over once I have got a few other things in my life sorted out.

Sincere apologies for the time it took me to reply and to thank you - it's been a very long week (tho that's not really an excuse).


You do realise the arm can be repositioned and you can buy various length options right? Like you can have it in landscape... I have mine hovering over the tank or set so I can see the clocks but not the key.
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You do realise the arm can be repositioned and you can buy various length options right? Like you can have it in landscape... I have mine hovering over the tank or set so I can see the clocks but not the key.

But the key is the best looking part of the bike! :friendly_wink:
Actually, this may sound dumb but it hadn't occurred to me. Now you say it, it's blindingly obvious. Thanks for pointing it out!
