Hi lads, anyone any experience with this?
Yeah I fitted one on my old gsxr, nice and easy but takes ages for the oil to drain
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Not that long, just longer than normalI did wonder if it would be slower - sort of leave overnight job...
problem is,you'll never get to see how much/if any swarf you have in your oil (magnetic sump plug),giving you an idea on gearbox/engine wear.
Is there any real advantage over a simple warm up and drain ? Looks like a solution to a problem that doesn't really exist..
Sent from my SM-G975F using Tapatalk
i have one and this is one of the good reasons to have it.lol
spose so if your using 3/4" drive Commercial tools on the sump plug... "wheres that breaker bar" lol...stops the sump bolt from stripping or the sump cracking if over zealous when tightening.
have what,the quick drain plug? how do you see the swarf with out going through the oil afterwards?
spose so if your using 3/4" drive Commercial tools on the sump plug... "wheres that breaker bar" lol...
Sent from my SM-G975F using Tapatalk
yes i have a quick drain plug. if you dont see the swarf then theres none there and noting to worry about. lol. so if you see swarf what do you do? strip the gearbox out? most wont there just worry and wait until it goes bang.
but if you do see swarf,and you will on most oil changes,you can gauge how bad the wear is,and generally what it is,then you can do something about it before the inevitable,be it adjust your gear changes,q/s settings etc.same as anything really,with that mentality,why even bother changing the oil,if it's black sludge,makes no odds if you cant see it,in fact,paint over the sight glass just in case