Police ban motorbikes on German Roads


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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2016
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So, I have just heard from a mate from another forum saying that the Police in Germany are banning motorbikes on popular roads at the weekends...? Noise Pollution... with hefty fines if you get caught... :-(

Can anyone confirm this please?
Sounds like something some politician would like to bring in rather than an actual change in the law. Nothing on the AA's website so nothing to worry about for now..
It's kind of like those signs that say "SLOW - x number of motorcycle accidents in 12 months" - guaranteed to be a good road IMO.

Want to know which roads to head for in Germany - the ones that are closed at the weekends :calm:
Yes I've seen the signs, with my limited vocabulary of German and Italian, (I can speak enough of both languages to get me into trouble but not enough to get out!!!)

The ones I've seen are a red, round sign with a symbol of a bike inside it, and underneath there has been Sa-So (samstag and Suntag) (apologies for incorrect spelling), motorcycles banned Saturday and Sunday, 15 of us got stopped and pulled into a layby, one of us (not me) could speak enough German to get us virtually out of trouble, negotiated fine for 2 of us @ 15 Euros, and they let us carry on to the other end of the road, something tells me they were not the Gestapo!

We could have spent 3 days in the cooler.

Also beware of speed limit signs with a bike symbol underneath with a lower speed limit, it's a lower limit for bikes.

It's the weekends that cause the trouble, in my experience during weekdays out of season it's generally O K.