So..1pm today.. guy showed me the controls briefly (very pretty display) Told him to leave it on maximum power, maximum engine breaking. Cant recall what the TC was set at.. wouldn't be using that anyhow..the roads were really busy and having to return it no later than 2pm I couldn't really go far, Met GC, he jumped onto his thou and off we went.
Done a loop round Great Western Road, back on to the M8, across the Kingston Bridge heading to the Airport, getting totally frustrated with the traffic and watching the clock never made for a happy hour. Anyhow gunned it round the perimeter road, through Renfrew back on to the M8 and made it back on time. No real chance to get a handle on it,. I would need at least half a day up Loch Lomondside to Oban or the A86 Dalwhinnie Road to really understand what it was all about. So with all of this in mind here's my thoughts.
1. Front end soft as *****, slightest application of the brakes it would dive, easily resolved with the on-board facility
2. Brakes, nice and strong pulled up quickly (front)
3. That gearbox/blipper is sensational, mine is R.A.F compared to it. No idea what the later gen 3s Thou RRs are like as I've never ridden one but this was a pleasure. Even decelerating hard as I reached traffic lights you just banged it down..clean positive up-change even at lower speeds with a half open throttle was flawless.. they done their homework here.
4. Clutch was very light about town.
5. Fly by wire throttle felt well balanced with just enough resistance to feel "natural"
6. Typical Blade linear power delivery..or so I thought.....till I hit 9k. I had the front wheel well off the deck in 3rd I think it was, It caught me by surprise so I never looked at the dash.......9k and above it felt very fast, I had limited road to work with and had just came back in to a built up area so had to back right off.
7. It felt sure footed, but very little front end response as it wasn't set up correctly.
Like my HP it was very easy to ride in town.
N.B The front brake lever had in my mind loads of travel, compared to my own bike. this allowed for progressive and sure braking but still, I prefer my own setup. I'm sure some adjustment would sort that out too.
That's about it I'm afraid..the hour was up, but I'd love to have one for the day, fettle the front end and sort out the brakes and it would be a rocket ship.. is it good enough to make me want to it ****...mine looks way sexier too anyhow. I think they missed the tech boat and a re playing catch up.. great bike but not as good as mine..