Need to track down this solicitor (Get out of Jail Card)


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I've just received a notice of intended prosecution :-(
Front facing images show a person riding at 77mph on the A59 dual carriageway (50mph speed limit) on a bike, no image shows face of rider or the registration number plate.
I spoke to a solicitor this morning and am best being honest apparently, I may get either a disqualification or 6 point and a fine.

Am well gutted.
I've just received a notice of intended prosecution :-(
Front facing images show a person riding at 77mph on the A59 dual carriageway (50mph speed limit) on a bike, no image shows face of rider or the registration number plate.
I spoke to a solicitor this morning and am best being honest apparently, I may get either a disqualification or 6 point and a fine.
I would ask to see a photo of the bike and rider.
Also I may be wrong but I thought that to get a ban/disqualification the speed had to be over 30mph more than the posted limit. Anyone on here know any better?
Doubt very much it'll be a ban, as Soof says how did they know it was you? I assume you were speeding as opposed to it being a case of mistaken identity? I've just paid a fixed penalty for 64 in a 50, I believe it was a camera van but didn't see it, haven't argued as I know that I was exceeding the limit in and around the area at the time.
I saw the van but was too late by then, it must have been manned to be able to match my number plate with photos and who knows they could have had another camera taking photos of plate manually from behind.
I've heard of the loopholes in the system but they are risky.
Vans have cameras looking forwards (the back of the cars going passed) to get the plates of cars/bikes with no front number plates.
Just ask for evidence that it was you as you don't believe it was because you are a careful rider who always follows the legal speed limits :).
Looks dangerous and heavily built up in that area...said no one

- Sent from Mobile
I got done a few years ago mate , 102mph in a 60 limit , got a 3 month ban and a 400 quid fine. I was wondering if they didn't get your reg how did they know to post the notice to you? if you are going to go down the road of disputing it, you would need to prove someone else you know was riding the bike, or your looking at someone taking your bike without consent ect...
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Could be any biker. I'd be ringing up all sheepish and confused asking for help to understand how it could be me and for something showing my reg at the very least. They must have it noted down to send you the notice.
Or call White Dalton who specialise in providing legal advice for motorcycle road traffic offences on 0800 280 0912
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Two things. I thought that if the photo shows two vehicles in the same shot it will not stand in court. I read somewhere that a camera van operator's evidence will be accepted in court, i.e he may use a hand held camera and snap your plate as you pass.
I spoke to white and Dalton yesterday morning, they wanted to charge ?50+vat just for advice on the phone. So i phoned another solicitor up providing free advice and they said to be honest and cooperative. I don't know how to respond to this notice now though. Failing to provide details of the rider will result in 3 points and a ?1000 fine plus the offence consequences.

I felt I had a good case to argue until the solicitor told me otherwise and that disputing would be a very risky route to take which could result in a worse outcome.
I would take that advice mate, looking at the photos it looks like you on your bike. Also you probably went through another camera (not speed) a couple of minutes earlier and they got your number from that. I had Police knock on my door for something similar, they got my number of CCTV camera, it was not me but I did have to explain why it was not me (without B/S).

Good luck.
I spoke to white and Dalton yesterday morning, they wanted to charge ?50+vat just for advice on the phone. So i phoned another solicitor up providing free advice and they said to be honest and cooperative. I don't know how to respond to this notice now though. Failing to provide details of the rider will result in 3 points and a ?1000 fine plus the offence consequences.

I felt I had a good case to argue until the solicitor told me otherwise and that disputing would be a very risky route to take which could result in a worse outcome.

You have choices, if its you in the picture on the bike and for whatever reason you feel the prosecution against you is unjust you'll need to fight the case on technicalities which will require you to pay for specialist help from someone like White Dalton unless you feel you can stand up in court and put forward an informed and competent argement yourself that will get you off - I know I couldn't.
If its not you on the bike (I don't get the impression that's the case) then you must tell them its not you and where you were at the time they think you were speeding. The third option is to admit it was you speeding and cough up.
If it was a camera van then it has a forward camera to get your reg number once you have passed the van. The operator in the van points the laser at the vehicle he is checking so makes no difference how many vehicles are in the image.
If you have been sent a notice of intended prosecution, as the registered keeper you have a duty to complete it and send it back with the rider at the time and date of the offence, as previously stated if you do not complete this then you commit a further offence.
Your options are send the notice back with your details if you are the rider, if you are not the rider then disclose who the rider was, BE WARNED if you get someone to take this for you that is perverting the course of justice, you will end up in crown court for this offence and looking at going to prison... not a good idea for a speeding offence.

If you send it back the police will then send you a further letters about court and if you want to plead guilty, this is when you need to make your decision. if you want to go guilty or not guilty and if there is any mitigation to offer at court.
Do yourself a favour and go to pepipoo . com and ask for some advice on there. However what has been said by ekdg above is spot on. You MUST respond to the S172 request for drivers details. If you do not there is a minimum of 6 points for this offense alone. If its not you in the photo you must say who it is.
I take it this can't be the Speed Awareness course form of punishment as the speed is too high?

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