So, far I have ?1800 for the opening quote.
Modifications declared, all the security in the world.
Sucks balls
Modifications declared, all the security in the world.
Sucks balls
I guess you're going on one of the comparison sites and adding / taking off modifications to see whats causing the problem?
London + Modifications + Superbike.
Woo got it down to 700. That'll do.
Does that include trackdays?
Modifications declared, all the security in the world.
Generally you get a 10% discount for having some form of approved security, and no more no matter how much security you have or how good it is. The danger with declaring all this security is that if you don't use it when your bike is stolen, the insurance company is likely to use it to shaft you. I only declare the factory immobiliser as I can't not use it (other than leaving the keys in the ignition, which would get me shafted anyway).
As regards silly quotes, one company quoted me ?616 fully comp and ?9307 third party fire and theft.
I would jump at the 700 alex , I am less that half that with a ban on my licence and no security........ bloody London.......