Heat wave - Not the weather for working


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Aug 6, 2013
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I went to Whitby for lunch and stopped for a couple of snaps on this rare and glorious day. Over the tops of the North Yorkshire moors.








Love the look of your HP4, especially to a a backdrop of open countryside and blue skies. Bloody hot for leathers though, 32degC here today in ever tropical South Lincs, bet you got a sweat on?!
I wish I was outside...not in this cool air-conditioned office! :p

Great countryside on the doorstep...glad to see people making the most of the good weather.
Yeah now you mention it I can see the likeness, get the impression he has the same patter too :wink-new:
I'm down in Perranporth Cornwall for the week without my bike :apologetic: Been very hot here yesterday, but not 34c as in Buckinghamshire.
Thanks guys.

Proper baking up norf. Tarmac starting to glisten and ooze. I was in a vented jacket and Kevlar jeans and I was sweating like a good un.

Whitby was packed out, does nobody work in this country anymore? (Pot kettle black lol).

I think that picture of jimmy is in his winter attire?
You know its not me as I never bare my arms or legs in sunny weather, however I have been told I looked like Rab C when my hair was shorter and curly.

I went to work today for 15 minutes Soof and gave up, far too hot. Its meant to be pissing it down here tomorrow, so I'll try again LOL.

Got a wedding to go to next week so I might have to get a tie to go with my long sleeved simmit. Hahaha

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You know its not me as I never bare my arms or legs in sunny weather, however I have been told I looked like Rab C when my hair was shorter and curly.

I went to work today for 15 minutes Soof and gave up, far too hot. Its meant to be pissing it down here tomorrow, so I'll try again LOL.

Got a wedding to go to next week so I might have to get a tie to go with my long sleeved simmit. Hahaha


Simmit , how old are you !!!! ;)