Glen Etive


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Nov 23, 2015
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Headed to Glencoe then Glen Etive to see where the 007 Skyfall was filmed. Amazing scenery through Glencoe and eventually found the spot around 5 miles from the main road along a single track. Continued up to fort william and then north on the Laggan road. The road from FW to Dalwhinnie Distillery is up there with the best and i can't recommend it enough. Great scenery, good surface, excellent variety of bends and no coppers to be seen!

Nice post Simon. I was at the 007 bridge this time last year. Amazing place to take in.
Simonb from stuartb... FW to Dalwhinnie is in my top 3 roads of all time its the A86 ... ive always said the guy that built that road is/was a biker... ive posted loads about that stretch... 40 miles to test your abilities...amazing

stuarts phone
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Fantastic scenery and great roads,really like the west coast. Did the Dalwhinnie road on the way up to Applecross for the weekend and Glencoe on the way back. Fort William to Mallaig is another belter of a road.
Fantastic scenery and great roads,really like the west coast. Did the Dalwhinnie road on the way up to Applecross for the weekend and Glencoe on the way back. Fort William to Mallaig is another belter of a road.

Fort William to Mallaig is the closest thing to the iom I've ever ridden, brilliant road .
Very nice photo's. Watch the cat turn a nasty shade of brown very soon mind.