Front brake Calipers and pads


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Well-known member
Oct 9, 2016
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Hi guys,

Was in the middle of changing my pads and I think SportBikeShop have send me the wrong ones, the pads I removed are square shape and there is 2 on each side of the caliper, Sport bike shop have sent me just 1 rectangle shaped pad for each side so I'm guessing it's wrong? Also I have not put the pads back in and just left the caliper sitting on the disc, Is this ok to do and leave it for a week till I get new pads? Or do I need to put the pads back in to avoid seizing or anything?

Thank you.

You can leave the calipers in situ but avoid depressing the front brake lever until you fit the correct brake pads.
I can't see it causing any harm to the disc or calliper as long as you haven't got the pistons contacting the disc. Sounds like you have received the pads for an HP4 calliper or just for the completely wrong bike. The ones you need are normally the more expensive option when buying when you go like for like pads against the HP4 ones. Probably because of the number of pads.
it should definitely be two separate pads per side of each caliper , you will be fine to leave it but it might be best to put the old ones in just incase your press the brakes by accident, could pop the pistons out.
Guys, I just put them back in just to see if I fixed the issue (old pads) reason I got new pads in first place is because it is scraping badly when I move the front wheelie, I looked at the calipers and pushed the pistons as far back as they could go to see if it'll still scrap. I pushed the brake lever in and made sure the brakes still work but when I move the bike I still get the scraping nosie and after I brake it is very hard to move the bike for a bit, Like the pistons are retracting too slowly, Advice please,

Thank you
Give the brakes a good clean. Brake cleaner and a brush. Remove the pads and the callipers push a piece of wood or something between the pistons and pump them up to clamp the wood. Give the pistons a really good clean and see what they're like. Are the pads well worn? What about the discs?
Give the brakes a good clean. Brake cleaner and a brush. Remove the pads and the callipers push a piece of wood or something between the pistons and pump them up to clamp the wood. Give the pistons a really good clean and see what they're like. Are the pads well worn? What about the discs?

Pads were not as bad as I thought, Still have life and the discs look fine. I will have to try clean the pistons but do you think thats really the issue why they are retracting so slowly?
Pads were not as bad as I thought, Still have life and the discs look fine. I will have to try clean the pistons but do you think thats really the issue why they are retracting so slowly?

Yep, clean it all up and see the difference:star:
Thanks guys I'll give it a go now. Don't have brake cleaner will a bit of fairy liquid do the job haha? Seriously though
It should be 100% better after a clean. Don't have to use brake cleaner. Soap and a bit of elbow grease works just as well. Carb cleaner or electrical contact cleaner, chain cleaner even will all work. Theyre not guaranteed to be oil free but you're cleaning the pistons not the discs/pads
soapy water should be fine don't know about fairy liquid though might contain salt I think , I have scrubbed mine with some water and a wee bit of bike shampoo then brake cleaner , get in there with a toothbrush, the pistons don't hold up will to winter riding I am just in the process of fitting another set of pistons.....
soapy water should be fine don't know about fairy liquid though might contain salt I think , I have scrubbed mine with some water and a wee bit of bike shampoo then brake cleaner , get in there with a toothbrush, the pistons don't hold up will to winter riding I am just in the process of fitting another set of pistons.....

What is wrong with your pistons? Is it a similar issue to mine?
Had this on my '10, even had pistons out and deep cleaned but only thing that sorted it was new piston/seal kit, 100% after that. My '15 now starting to show same symptoms
Had this on my '10, even had pistons out and deep cleaned but only thing that sorted it was new piston/seal kit, 100% after that. My '15 now starting to show same symptoms

Ahh now your worrying me, How much did that set you back?
I paid about 145 from rainbow bmw for a full set of pistons and seals.
Fear not, this isn't just a bmw thing, all the bikes I've owned, I've had to clean the brakes and pistons down, given how fast we go this should be priority number one after checking your tryes regularly

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These brakes will always bind when cold, don't worry about it, trust me, it won't happen when up to temp. I advise using the stock pads, more expensive but last longer and right to the backing plate, other pads are false economy. Post pic of old pads. Return new ones and get a refund
Give them a good clean then spray the pistons with GT85 that will help stop corrosion.