Dave Moss


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Apr 29, 2014
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London and Norfolk
For those not following on social media, Dave Moss is very ill in hospital with Sepsis.

Hoping he gets better but life may not be the same for him and he may never be back making suspension content on youtube / www.davemosstuning.com

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Never really understood that Sepsis.. how do you get it ?.. its blood poisoning right ?

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Sepsis is the body's extreme response to an infection. It is a life-threatening medical emergency. Sepsis happens when an infection you already have triggers a chain reaction throughout your body. Infections that lead to sepsis most often start in the lung, urinary tract, skin, or gastrointestinal tract.

As above it for causes. In older people a UTI is the most common cause. My dad had it and he was never the same, ultimately cancer killed him in April this year but Sepsis ruined his health to the point he could no longer fight.

Symptoms to others could be confusion/cognitive.

Symptoms you would notice would be basically knowing whats not normal when peeing.

In my Dad's case his prostate was blocking his bladder from emptying, or even feeling the need to pee. This meant he was carrying nearly a litre of urine in his bladder at all times. Obviously thats all waste and at some point an infection got created that got into the bloodstream. Sepsis is bacterial infection in the blood.

Sepsis is initially treated by wideband antibiotics via iv. The hospital should then try to narrow down the bacteria and change to something to kill it only...however they often don't. My Dad had it twice in quick succession because he and the hospital let him out way too early the first time.

In parallel, they found a mass in his liver on the second hospital stay. He would then end up bouncing in and out of hospital for oncology treatment.

A catheter was fitted after the 2nd stay, which largely helped him survive 2 more years. It was never removed because he was too weak for the TURP procedure to fix the prostate as it needs a general anaesthetic.

Long story short, get your prostate checked. Be alert to changes and don't hesitate to get a pee sample tested by the nhs if you think anything is amiss.

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Sorry for your loss Alex.

As above sepsis is when an existing infection overwhelms the body & major organs start to pack up. It is an emergency and needs IV antibiotics in hospital ASAP.

I know two people (both men in their 30s) who ended up with sepsis after a small cut got infected. Both ended up in ICU & one of them died.

Some signs in adults are confusion and rash on abdomen.

It used to be called 'blood poisoning' as Stuart says.
Lost my Dad two years ago to Sepsis as well - 10 years previously he had his prostrate removed and at the time of his death he was going through treatment for bowel cancer and had had a colostomy bag fitted 2 months before he passed - he awoke one morning very disorientated, couldn't get out of bed on his own and went down really quick and was dead within 36 hours of arriving in hospital. As Alex says, if you get north of 50 years old and there is a history of prostrate cancer in your father/grandfather(s) or uncles - get yourself checked for prostrate cancer regularly by the doctor.
Jesus, I never realised it was prominent. Sorry for everyone's loss. it sounds like something none of us would want for sure .

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He was in hospital with it then all seemed well and he was allowed home only for it to come back and him being admitted to hospital again.

Get well soon Dave
Sorry for everyone's loses...I lost my dad now three years back and he had sepsis too but was to do with failing kidneys and was not sepsis that killed him but did not do him any favors. And only a month back my mum had sepsis and was in a bad way, That was caused by an abscess on her bowl. Luckily she has made full recovery and the hospital did act fast and got the right antibiotics in to her.

Talking about prostate there is a blood test you can have done, As I had it done a few months back cant remember the name now for the test. Rather than wait I had it done private and was only ?70.

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