Buying an S1000rr soon


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Jan 19, 2016
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I have been looking over the forum as i am thinking of buying an S1000rr soon. Looks good with plenty of participation so happy to join you all. I have not had a sports bike since my last fireblade a good few years ago so this could be a steep learning curve, but as they say its just like riding a bike. I live near Durham city and own a tractor GSA now.
Hi Shorty. Welcome along. Nothing wrong with a tractor GSA, I have one of them for my non HP4 riding days :). The sthou is a very easy bike to ride, sure you'll have it mastered in no time.... Have been for a test ride yet?
Hi Shorty, Like Soofsayer above I have a 30 Yr GSA and a HP4, if you can keep both, do it, you will deffo have the best of both worlds.

Welcome to the site, there are less arguments on here than ukGSer.

Hopefully going to keep them both. different tools for different jobs.

Welcome along - hope you find the forum helpful :) If you can't find the answer to a question, fire away.
Well deal is done and bike is in the garage. Now all i need is some dry ish weather as i dont fancy new bike and new tyres first time out in the p*s***g wet,
Nice to know we've somehow convinced you to spend some lolly... Lol. Second Durham based new member this week. congratulations on your new bike :).
welcome to the forum Shorty.

I drove mine home from the dealer last weekend on brand new rubber in the snow/ice and rain and it still felt more planted than my gsxr i left behind in part ex!! incredible difference.
Get prepared for a bit of re-calibration hopping between the RR and the GSA!!
I like my GSA but yes I know what you mean, apart from all the obvious stuff like weight, riding position, performance, handling, throttle response, quickshifter the thing that bugs me the most jumping between the two is the difference with the bloody indicator switches!!