Brands Hatch GP 25/6/15


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I enjoyed the track (first time) but was ultimately very frustrated.

Muppets everywhere. Way too many bikes per session - they said there were up to 200 in total. At ?175 that means they made ?35k from the day...and yet it was just a lesson in frustration management for those of us able to keep it on the black stuff.

In total I think I got 5x 20min sessions and a lot of standing about, only 1 of those sessions did not include a stoppage...I think I only saw the chequred flag to end the session 1 other time...most ended on Red. ?3/min at best.

Brands Hatch GP is a great track. Swooping in the Paddock Hill and gunning it through the compression before getting hard on the anchors for Druids is great fun. Surtees is soo much tighter than you think. Sheene Curve caught out too many and the gravel trap's be cause its fairly blind at the top of a hill. Easy to misjudge but also easy to go too cautious on...braking in to clearways was frantic cause of the bumps. Front and Rear tyre (Conti Sport 2) were melting well on the RHS. The brakes take a pounding and my lever isn't right after the brake change/fluid change in the week before, need to get that sorted.

I'll be putting some vids on YouTube soon...chased a '15 spec in black for many sessions - Richard, the owner, isn't on here. Damn he awas good around Clearways - kept sling shotting past me on the outside...I'll not let that happen again!! :p

Best lap according to the Pirelli App was a I won't win a prize but tbh I was happy to see consistant improvement.