So, put my S1K in for a service a few weeks ago. Haven't been out much as I'm still working from home until next month so it took a while to realise that that had reactivated the auto-cancelling indicators.
As I previously had that function disabled, it went back to the dealer today to put it back to where I want it. Fairly quick job, got half-way home and realised the auto-cancel was still on! So, we carried on and finished the circuit of the Oxford ring road, back to the garage for a slightly grumpier conversation.
Much longer wait this time, complete with watching my bike go out for 3 test runs.
Anyway, it finally turns out that the BMW servicing computers have been updated recently and are now throwing out error codes all over the place! RS, GS, and S1Ks have all been affected. The programme says that it has completed an action but without actually doing it. When the technician digs deeper, the programme says the bike is missing a module/is broken, even though it's not true.
Trouble is, they can't tell what the errors are until the rider discovers them because their equipment says that everything is fine!
So, all that is fair warning that you may have weird things happening after a service/update, until BMW fix the problem.
In the meantime, until I get the callback, I need to remember that my indicators have turned themselves off...
As I previously had that function disabled, it went back to the dealer today to put it back to where I want it. Fairly quick job, got half-way home and realised the auto-cancel was still on! So, we carried on and finished the circuit of the Oxford ring road, back to the garage for a slightly grumpier conversation.
Much longer wait this time, complete with watching my bike go out for 3 test runs.
Anyway, it finally turns out that the BMW servicing computers have been updated recently and are now throwing out error codes all over the place! RS, GS, and S1Ks have all been affected. The programme says that it has completed an action but without actually doing it. When the technician digs deeper, the programme says the bike is missing a module/is broken, even though it's not true.
Trouble is, they can't tell what the errors are until the rider discovers them because their equipment says that everything is fine!
So, all that is fair warning that you may have weird things happening after a service/update, until BMW fix the problem.
In the meantime, until I get the callback, I need to remember that my indicators have turned themselves off...