Be safe everyone!!


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Well-known member
Dec 24, 2013
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A week ago today, my childhood friend at the age of 25 lost his life when a woman driver didn't check her mirrors! I hope your all extra careful when out because I can say first hand it was the worst day of my life watching it happen and being able to do nothing about it!! It's just a reminder that not everyone thinks bike! Ride safe!
Shocking news Dom, a terrible day for all involved. So sorry for that loss - only possible good from it is your reminder to us all - cheers,take care mate,Graham.
So sorry to hear about the loss of your close friend Dom, it's bad enough when we hear about accidents like this but when it's someone so close it's even worse, the pain inside never goes away, every time you ride your friends memory will be with you. Someone I know lost his life a couple of weeks ago in Matlock when a car pulled out from a side road. Be careful everyone and ride safe. Ian

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