2023 S1000RR overheating and power issues


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Sep 27, 2021
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Hello y?all,
first track day after running in the bike. Bike is 100% stock, including exhaust.
First session lack of power on 5th and 6th gear.
Second session first high temp warning message on the dashboard and engine management warning.
Third, messages disappeared between sessions but after a few laps, the previous messages plus high temperature red warning. Temp was over 125 Celsius.
Took the bike to the local BMW dealer, they just cleared the faults and added some coolant.
Next morning same story and on the second session, Game over, coolant spill.
Bike back to my dealer, tested cooling system and engine pressure test. All fine.
Took the bike to the Dyno, 3 runs and at each run the bike lost 10hp. Temp 106.
Any ideas are more than welcome
A few pictures:
As Bananaman already mentioned, there's been issues with the water/oil pump before.
Does it lose fluid out of the cap/expansion bottle?
It's clearly got a fault, so the dealer should be working through the options. 107 is the max you would see under strenuous use.
As Bananaman already mentioned, there's been issues with the water/oil pump before.
Does it lose fluid out of the cap/expansion bottle?
It's clearly got a fault, so the dealer should be working through the options. 107 is the max you would see under strenuous use.
Yes it did. They checked the cooling system and said it was ok. At idle the bike raise in temp, fan keeps the temp in check.
I'd change the radiator cap.

If it's not the rad cap then I would expect the head gasket (worst) or water pump.
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Dealer just following what BMW France tell him to do. Heard from a friend a couple engines already replaced in 2023 track bikes. :hopelessness:

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