2015 ddc settings?


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Jul 7, 2012
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i know everyone is different but looking for somewhere to start....i will set sag first but the was interested to see where everyone has theres set....list your weight, mode and settings. also weather its track or road.

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DDC Suspension

DDC takes a little bit of getting used to on track as it feels subtly different to conventional suspension. The key to understanding suspension set-up is being able to identify what the bike is doing beneath you and more importantly what it is preventing you from doing. This will continually change the faster you go as you will likely encounter different issues as the suspension will react differently as the pace increases. Whilst this is perhaps more pertinent for track riding, given road speeds are much lower, the basic principles of suspension set-up are just as relevant. DDC allows you to make changes quickly between sessions which is extremely useful.

Setting preload is a must before doing anything else; but note that suspension set-up is all about trial and error, particularly with DDC, so the best advice is to get out and experiment. Importantly, you need to find what works for you and not rely on settings recommended by others as there are just far to many variables affecting set-up that will differ greatly between riders. It is also worth noting that the system parameters are completely different in each Riding Mode with 'Slick' being the most aggressive and configured for track use so the DDC system will behave differently. Hence why you just need to get out on the bike and experiment.

Suspension setup really isn't all that complicated once you understand the fundamental basics of compression, rebound and preload. The DDC system makes it even easier than traditional suspension to adjust and if you get it wrong you simply reset it to '0' and start again.
ok then..so do you start on 0? then which way do you go. what i was hoping was that half a dozen people could be bothered to put there settings on here and then i could look at averages and go from there. i have settings from the US forum to give me a start point so i suppose i will start from there. I recon that most will use roughly the same settings most of the time and wont ever change them, which look like -3 to -4 on all settings. this is a sunny sunday road bike only, i do have a track one too but thats all ohlins and ive no problem setting that up. Ive not even ridden this one and looking at the weather wont until next spring so was just looking to tinker really.
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You asked: I have an hp4 with ddc but as a general rule have it around -2 or -3 all round for road riding, +2/3 ish on track depending on where I am. Also I find the front ddc seems to better with a few psi off the front for road riding.

those are similar to the us forum lads, but are a sensible starting point. 0 all round on road is a bit harsh for me.
DDC Suspension

'0' is the factory default setting and adjustments can be made from -7 (Soft) to +7 (Hard). The DDC system parameters are different in each Riding Mode. In 'Rain' and 'Sport' modes DDC response overall is much softer; whilst in 'Race' mode the system responds more dynamically. In 'Slick' mode DDC is much harder and designed for race track use. Any adjustments that you make will only apply to the Riding Mode that you have selected and given that the DDC algorithms are different in each mode the bike will respond differently to the changes you make.
cheers for replies, ok then do you find that the reb/comp setting is the same figure or are they generally different. ie front comp/reb say both -3 or or say a -3 + -4? this is still based on road.
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DDC Suspension

As standard the DDC system combines compression and rebound at the front and only gives you the option to increase or decrease 'Damping' in terms of + or -. Based on the Riding Mode that you have selected, and your damping adjustment, the BMW DDC coding then translates this into the optimum amount of compression and rebound required. The rear is fitted with a potentiometer as standard and therefore allows you to make individual adjustments to the compression and rebound stages of the suspension. For road use, in my opinion, this is more than adequate providing that you have accurately adjusted preload. In 'Sport' mode the DDC is optimised for road use; therefore the suspension will feel softer and less firmly sprung than in the other, more aggressive, riding modes. You just need to get out on the bike and experiment when the weather improves at the start of next season.
I'm 16 stone I ride in race and got mine at +2 front and rear if that's any help to you
I'm 13 stone kitted up. I ride in race mode +2 front, -2 com/ -1 rebound rear.( still playing about with rear)
I haven't set my sag yet which I know should be done but I have only ridden on the road so far.
Noticed a massive difference with the front end when not set to +2 as the dealer reset my settings when it was in for warranty work, not sure why.
Took it for a blast and the front end felt like a boat, thought something was wrong before I stopped and reset it to +2.
Just my personal choice but I want to get the preload checked in the spring to make sure it's where it should be.
I think the factory setting for preload is based on a 13 stone rider so shouldn't be too far away.
cheers guys....so it looks like its going to be play time soon.the last figures listed here are completely different to where i thought i might be starting. im guessing im about 15stone with all kit on so not the same as anyone else yet and i suppose its then down to how you like the bike to feel.
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I'm on -2 damping on the forks, shock is set to 0 all round. For me it was just slight harshness over rough roads that I wanted to tweak. I ride in USER mode with RACE engine setting and SPORT DDC, -2 TC usually, 0 TC if roads are damp. Metzeler tyres.

I think we'd be able to give you slightly more valuable advice than simple numbers if you detail what exactly you're trying to achieve, i.e. what's the suspension "problem" you're trying to address? To harsh, too soft, goes floaty over crests, wheelies too much etc etc?

If there's one thing that I've learned over the years it's that twiddling suspension adjusters just because they're there is the road to confusion and frustration! :) Having said that it's worth going out for a gentle ride and trying +7/-7 on all the settings to get a feel for the range of adjustment. Also as mentioned, check tyre pressures and get your preload set correctly first as everything stems from there.
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I'm on -2 damping on the forks, shock is set to 0 all round. For me it was just slight harshness over rough roads that I wanted to tweak. I ride in USER mode with RACE engine setting and SPORT DDC, -2 TC usually, 0 TC if roads are damp. Metzeler tyres.

I think we'd be able to give you slightly more valuable advice than simple numbers if you detail what exactly you're trying to achieve, i.e. what's the suspension "problem" you're trying to address? To harsh, too soft, goes floaty over crests, wheelies too much etc etc?

If there's one thing that I've learned over the years it's that twiddling suspension adjusters just because they're there is the road to confusion and frustration! :) Having said that it's worth going out for a gentle ride and trying +7/-7 on all the settings to get a feel for the range of adjustment. Also as mentioned, check tyre pressures and get your preload set correctly first as everything stems from there.

hello,not ridden it yet but was just after a general overall feel of what settings people use. I was hoping to find a good average as a base figure to use but what ive seen is absolutely no consistency so it looks like i will need to play a lot myself.
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Personally I think the place to start if you have never ridden it is "zero" all round i.e. factory settings. Ride it and see if you think the ride is too soft or too firm/harsh. Its so easy to change (you can even do it while riding) with a button. I'm about 85Kg kitted so have settled on -3 all round but the roads I ride on are pretty crappy and at the start of the year when its colder I may back it off another -2. "0" is just to harsh for me.
Ahh I didn't realise it's different for each mode.

Was slightly confused when I made setting in rain and when I pulled home after dryer and bigger roads in sport I had a look and everything was back to 0
I have to say, now I have one, the ddc settings should use the +/- button for the slip control. Ie you toggle between slip and ddc on the fly. Having to go into the setup menu seems a bit convoluted.

- Sent from Mobile
I have to say, now I have one, the ddc settings should use the +/- button for the slip control. Ie you toggle between slip and ddc on the fly. Having to go into the setup menu seems a bit convoluted.

- Sent from Mobile

+1 and indeed if you add those options to the front menu I used to catch myself trying to do just that when out.

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