I'm on -2 damping on the forks, shock is set to 0 all round. For me it was just slight harshness over rough roads that I wanted to tweak. I ride in USER mode with RACE engine setting and SPORT DDC, -2 TC usually, 0 TC if roads are damp. Metzeler tyres.
I think we'd be able to give you slightly more valuable advice than simple numbers if you detail what exactly you're trying to achieve, i.e. what's the suspension "problem" you're trying to address? To harsh, too soft, goes floaty over crests, wheelies too much etc etc?
If there's one thing that I've learned over the years it's that twiddling suspension adjusters just because they're there is the road to confusion and frustration!

Having said that it's worth going out for a gentle ride and trying +7/-7 on all the settings to get a feel for the range of adjustment. Also as mentioned, check tyre pressures and get your preload set correctly first as everything stems from there.