Valencia MotoGP Road trip


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Great write up Jim , you're some man and to go all these places on your own is amazing. Take care and stay safe mate , catch you when you're home.

Cheers Dunc, remember "there is no such thing as a stranger, just friends we haven't met yet" as said by a wee heavy but perfectly proportioned Fifer, lol.

CU soon neebor.

Cheers Dunc, remember "there is no such thing as a stranger, just friends we haven't met yet" as said by a wee heavy but perfectly proportioned Fifer, lol.

CU soon neebor.


Yep , I remember mate , guy was a bit portly though and had hair straighteners in his man bag :)
I'll finish this ride report if it kills me, been home a week and feels like I haven't been away.


Up early from my slumber and out in the car park by 6AM, noticed the Benidorm Massive got in late last night and were obviously so out of their faces they couldn't park straight.


A quick ride up to the toll road and a straightforward ride up to the track.
I wish I could have stopped and took photos as this coastline is beautiful especially first thing with a low sun to emphasise the rugged rocks and mountains. Some unfinished business here I think.

The last ten miles of the ride were incredible with thousands of bikers from all over Europe turning the 3 lane highway into 7 and sometimes 8 lanes, lots of cars waving flags adorned with 46, 26 and many many 93's.
Lots of horn honking and engine revving, made me think this is a good day to be alive.

Parking was a lucky surprise as I missed the first car park entrance and was directed into the second, ditched the biking gear for a pair of jeans and trainers and headed for the gate. The pedestrian entrance was about 200 yards from my bike and I asked directions to my seat and it was about 100 yards from me, result.

Wee walk about was needed to soak up the party atmosphere.


Don't know the relevance of the Leicester City truck but it was nice to see.


I was sitting right at the end of the main straight and was privy to some excellent racing, most exciting was that Marquez ran right into the gravel in front of me and I was hoping he would drop it, fortunately for him he has Alien like reactions and saved it, the rest is destined for the history books.

Fair play to him, a true Champion on home turf, great weather, top day all round.

The little man growing out of my head and the lovely lassie next to him in the 46 hat turned out to be from Oban and we had a good blether before and after the racing.


The car park was mobbed and even though I thought I would find my bike easily it still took me 20 minutes is walking around in ever increasing circles to find it.


Now THAT is the temperature I was looking for when it was snowing in Andorra a few days ago.


Relaxed ride back to the Hotel and Chinese for tea, wee seat on the balcony and then bed.


At this point I had no idea of what route I was going to take in the morning other than the general direction west towards Portugal.


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Fantastic documentation of your trip Jimmy, am glad you had a great time!
I?ve thoroughly enjoyed reading about it [emoji4]
Enjoyed the write up as much as you enjoyed the actual trip Jimmy.
Thanks for taking the time to post it all

Still another 5 days to go if youse can be bothered, lol.


Fantastic documentation of your trip Jimmy, am glad you had a great time!
I?ve thoroughly enjoyed reading about it [emoji4]

The best is yet to be written Oli, the law of Karma makes an appearance.

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Looks worthwhile freezing your nuts off a day or so before Jimmy..... keep up the commentary..


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The morning after the day before.......

A relaxed departure from Benidorm saw the bike fuelled, a little oil added and a wee hurl down the prom for a photo or two.



Having hugged the coast for a few days I figured a run up the mountains would be a good idea and I knew if I kept heading west I would eventually get to Portugal before hitting the Atlantic Ocean.

Suitably refreshed we set off on the trip with no destination in mind, I had clearly got a real bond with the bike now as I started to think of us as a team, a really funny mindset that I haven't had since travelling across the Atacama in 2014. It usually means you are going bonkers or have totally relaxed into a long journey.

Zipping about the rocky and sand coloured mountains was great and the miles and time flew by, this was all caught on my GoPro so no photos on my phone. I stopped at a roadside cafe to check my location and find a hotel for the night.


The coffee was excellent and I stayed a wee while and managed to book a hotel in Ciudad Real for only ?37, the reviews were good and I couldn't believe the price as all the other good hotels had been about double that, worth a gamble.

I headed off again in a westerly direction and was rewarded by stunning empty twisty roads for mile after mile, this was the best road yet and had me smile from ear to ear as I realised I was leaning well over on country roads with massive grip at 3 digits speeds.

Slowing down to catch my breath I saw a six military jets flying in formation in the bright blue sky and watched them for ages carrying out dogfighting manoeuvres in pairs against each other while my iPod which was set on shuffle decided to surprise me with 'Take my breath away' by Berlin and I was crying laughing at the coincidence.

As a wee aside when I was 18 years old and waiting to leave for the RAF, I took 7 different girls to see Top Gun at the cinema in a week, but not my wife, as we had fallen out. This is always brought up to me by my children as my wife has told them who the women are and they refer to them as 'The Top gunners' when they see them, lol.

I stumbled across a National Park, which was closed to vehicles but deserved a closer look.



It wasn't until I took the second photo that I remembered that I had discarded my usual knobblies for road tyres and I was laughing at my stupidity as I had been riding on loose gravel and sand for a few miles, not quite what the were designed for.

The park was beautiful and I wished I had more time to explore but I decided that I wouldn't push my luck with the tyres or indeed getting caught by the Police in a prohibited area.

Having ridden to the entrance of the park I stopped for a slash and remounted the bike, I had only ridden about twenty yards to the junction with the main road and was waiting for a bus to pass so I could get back on with my journey when I saw a Guardia Civil traffic car approaching from the same direction as the bus, I was flashed out by the Police and sat in front of them at the speed limit for the next half hour or so before arriving at my hotel, which looked promising from the outside and was well worth the token fee when I got inside my room.




Signing off this entry into my ride report with a bog shot, lol.


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Fantastic photos and writeup as always Jimmy, that hotel was certainly a good find!
Great write up Jimmy. Weather looked brilliant too...noticed a couple of punters on the beach "wi taps aff"...

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Great write up Jimmy. Weather looked brilliant too...noticed a couple of punters on the beach "wi taps aff"...

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Aye it was full of pensioners Stuart, if there were any topless women they would need a wheelbarrow to walk about.

An auld butch granny or wishful thinking chick... I was going to say take your pick Jimmy...but we all know the one youd go for !

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