When I was a copper, I was a suspicious B*$74RD and it never done me any good other than give me anger issues. Since then I have mellowed beyond my own expectations.
I handed the keys to my week old HP4 Carbon over to a complete stranger at Kirkcaldy Kawasaki who told me he had ordered one but had to wait 4 months for delivery, I had a coffee in the dealership whilst he buggered off. The salesman asked me how long I had known him and I laughed and said five minutes. They were gobsmaked but they told me he was a good customer of theirs who worked in Asia and had numerous bikes stored at their garage.
He did come back no issues.
It turned out that he had bought the HP4 cash at Dundee, buggered of to Vietnam and never came back for about a year to collect it, I like to think I am a good judge of character and have offer my bikes to people that I know well and not so well. Seriously feel the benefit of being so mild mannered now although I know there is a demon living inside all of us.
Think you'll live long Davy, "break it buy" it seems fair enough.