Top speed


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I passed a mate on his tricked up 2010 fire blade back in 2010 on my old s1k at over 190 he was gutted as my bike was standard,if you get a long enough stretch and a wind at your back you can hit 200 but the consentration level is insane to keep it there for more than a few seconds.... ;)
If you want to do 200 take 2 teeth off the rear sprocket and add 1 to the front and she should do it but will not accelerate as quick
yup me neither , mine maxed out at that , was still going faster ( or so i thought)
maybe its the old uns
Mines a 2012. Maybe its just more optimistic than most? :D

i dont know how fast it really was, but everything was blurring past me! :D
Mines a 2012 and I had it on the autobahn last year with it showing 186. It was still accelerating before hitting the red line but no greater speed shown.

Don't know how you're getting yours to show more.
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Mines a 2012 and I had it on the autobahn last year with it showing 186. It was still accelerating before hitting the red line but no greater speed shown.

Don't know how you're getting yours to show more.

Easy - some of the s1's have more power and have some less. some riders like me who weigh all up 245lbs and at 6'4 may get rather less top speed than say my Rottweiler who only weighs 55kg all up. Add the two together and plenty of scope for the kind of variances we are seeing.

It ******* piss's me right off!!!
Easy - some of the s1's have more power and have some less. some riders like me who weigh all up 245lbs and at 6'4 may get rather less top speed than say my Rottweiler who only weighs 55kg all up. Add the two together and plenty of scope for the kind of variances we are seeing.

It ******* piss's me right off!!!

No sorry its nothing to do with the riders weight or the bikes actual speed. What i'm trying to say is that even if you put a 300bhp turbo on my bike and geared it to 250mph the speedo will not show past 186mph (i'm not saying this is the case for all the S1000RR) but if anyone can find any video evidence of an S1000RR showing more than 186mph/300kmh I would be interested to understand why/how they managed it, the video I posted on the previous page shows an S1000RR speed trapped going at 209mph but the speedo stopped at 186 and never went higher.
No sorry its nothing to do with the riders weight or the bikes actual speed. What i'm trying to say is that even if you put a 300bhp turbo on my bike and geared it to 250mph the speedo will not show past 186mph (i'm not saying this is the case for all the S1000RR) but if anyone can find any video evidence of an S1000RR showing more than 186mph/300kmh I would be interested to understand why/how they managed it, the video I posted on the previous page shows an S1000RR speed trapped going at 209mph but the speedo stopped at 186 and never went higher.

That's what I meant by my post, not that different bikes have different power.
That's what I meant by my post, not that different bikes have different power.

Gotcha. :hopelessness:

That may be to do with the speed pick up sensor, Brocks Performance modified an SPS in a non sport model and got the speedo up to 200mph by filing down one of the sensor lugs. That was a non sport model.

Indicating that changing the tolerances on the SPS will adjust the shown top speed
Assuming the above is true, it may also be that the tolerance differences between different SPS/bikes is causing the different shown tops speeds.

Maybe worth dropping Brocks a mail for a real answer lol.
Don't the different models pick up the speed in different ways? ie the sport models from the ABS rings which the non-sport models don't possess.
Correct the ABS models, the speed is taken from the abs sensor ring :), gona remove my frnt sprocket cover help shed an ounce ;)
How are your heads still on...I have found there's nowhere to get our of the wind and my neck's not strong enough! Does this mean I need a more aerodynamic helmet? Any suggestions? (No boys puns please!) Cx
How are your heads still on...I have found there's nowhere to get our of the wind and my neck's not strong enough! Does this mean I need a more aerodynamic helmet? Any suggestions? (No boys puns please!) Cx
You look fit enough to be able to tuck in and almost get your head on the tank then look through the screen, if not you could try a double bubble screen.
How are your heads still on...I have found there's nowhere to get our of the wind and my neck's not strong enough! Does this mean I need a more aerodynamic helmet? Any suggestions? (No boys puns please!) Cx

Just try and get your bum as far back as possible, will make the crouch easier. You're never going to get all of your helmet behind the screen, but two thirds is doable. The top part of the helmet just becomes an extension of the screen if that makes sense. shut all the vents off if you have any. As for your neck find an exercise to strengthen those muscles.

You will get used to it soon enough...
Cool to see another lady biker, especially on an s1, where are you all?? Apart from the ones telling their other halves they're not allowed one! lol.
Indeed...last night I got covered in a tarp off the back of a lorry in the fast lane of the M11...amazing how fast you can stop that bike when you can't see anything...maybe a good thing I wasn't going at 186mph Officer!

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