Top speed


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Indeed...last night I got covered in a tarp off the back of a lorry in the fast lane of the M11...amazing how fast you can stop that bike when you can't see anything...maybe a good thing I wasn't going at 186mph Officer!

That sounds interesting!! :hopelessness:

I think an aerodynamic lid makes all the difference i used to have a basic kbc lid like this

and it would start to lift over 130, i've now got a AGV Corsa and its firmly stuck all the way to 186+

Indeed...last night I got covered in a tarp off the back of a lorry in the fast lane of the M11...amazing how fast you can stop that bike when you can't see anything...maybe a good thing I wasn't going at 186mph Officer!

Er, holy ****, well done for not wiping out. Did the lorry stop to get the tarp back? Isn't there some law about having an unsecured load?
i know mine does a 102 cos i have just had a pink slip from north yorkshire plod saying so !!!!

How did they catch you Billybob? Fixed/mobile camera? what road were you on ? speed limit? had a look at these? First offender etc is looking at a band B fine and a ban of 7 - 56 days and points of 4-6. Band B takes into account 100% of weekly income. This is based on a 70 mph speed limit. If you can argue it below 100 it changes again. See what I mean about needing legal advice, unrepresented you will make it easy for the court to make an example of you.
Er, holy ****, well done for not wiping out. Did the lorry stop to get the tarp back? Isn't there some law about having an unsecured load?

I expect so but I doubt he even noticed and I couldn't get his numberplate! :anonymous:
Indeed...last night I got covered in a tarp off the back of a lorry in the fast lane of the M11...amazing how fast you can stop that bike when you can't see anything...maybe a good thing I wasn't going at 186mph Officer!

Well thats one way if getting rid of turbulence a tarp roof lol.

Definately a double bubble if you're taller than 5'6", however the real question is should I be doing this at all? ;-)

I am 6'4 225lbs and i can get behind be the screen, you just gotta have your arse right back and get flat. Touch your tosh to the rear of the seat and get your chin on the airbox.

I find if i sit forward and crouch the turbulence is mental, changing a helmet won't make the big difference you're looking for IMO.

As for the question should we be doing this is ...... **** yeah!!!!:stupid:
I got done on m74 in my 535 diesel 116 6 points and 2 grand fine u would think ad raped and murdered everyone if u listened to the omg how very dare u in my area ur lucky we stopped hanging speeders last Tuesday boyo speech tho good lawyer stopped me getting banned lol
I got done on m74 in my 535 diesel 116 6 points and 2 grand fine u would think ad raped and murdered everyone if u listened to the omg how very dare u in my area ur lucky we stopped hanging speeders last Tuesday boyo speech tho good lawyer stopped me getting banned lol

if you had been on a bike you would 100% have been banned, discrimination between car and bike speeders really pisses me off.

anyway, on the subject of top speed, who cares, corners is ware its at.
I was getting banned it was my army record and my driving/ riding for charities and not to mention the thousands I spent fighting it
190 odd mph out of my old 2010 bike ,gps on mates 2010 tricked up fire blade 1000cc and he said !!! U went past me like I was on a 600 lol these bikes can do 200 plus stock as mcn proved 2 years ago on a run way

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