Some serious economy in here…I've not managed to get more than 80 miles before the light on mine.
You must have a hole in the tank !
Some serious economy in here…I've not managed to get more than 80 miles before the light on mine.
The S1000RR is mapped to run on 98....
The S1000RR is mapped to run on 98....
80 in town I find it averages 9-10miles/litre on a cruise. So in THEORY I could get upto 170 miles! But usually give up at 120.
I've tried both and there is feck all difference in economy. I do 3 journeys to a tank (about 135 miles) and there is usually a 10 mile range left. On my gixxer the 98ron gave me an extra 10-15 miles to a tank.
You must have a hole in the tank !
To be fair I ride as hard as I can most of the time and my local roads are full power for a few seconds then hard on the brakes and repeat so worst kind of riding for economy!