Stupid Question - Filling Fuel Tank


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Well-known member
Jun 29, 2014
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Today after 80 miles my reserve light came on for the first time (just got the bike) and the computer started counting down from 30. Got to the garage and filled up with about 15 to go so expected with a 17.5l tank (not sure if that includes or is plus 4l reserve) it should take a fair amount.

However it only took 12.3l.

I am used to filling almost to the brim of the tank cap or where you can see the fuel but I noticed from the manual it says not to fill past the bottom of the weird ass plastic thing in the tank (filler neck) so I tried to do this (tho how you are supposed to see this in poor light is anyone guess). This means the fuel level is at least 1-2" below the top of the tank that I can see.

So did my gauge come on far too early or am I missing something in filling it up? Also manual says something about bike having to be on side stand to utilise the full space to fill up... again, used to keeping it up right to fill so I did this time also. - is there where I have gone wrong?

Am I missing something obvious here (most likely)?
I usually get 100-120 miles before light comes on. If in rain mode and tootling along the motorway I've seen 150miles before the light.

But I stand the bike up right and seriously brim it. I get about 19 quid in from 10miles left in the tank.
I fill mine up so you can see it on the filler neck, same as DJUK, stand it up and get as much in as possible. The fuel economy on mine has got a lot better as the miles have gone on and the engine loosens up, usually get to around 130 miles before the light comes on. The light does seem a bit pessimistic too and comes on a bit early.
I often only get 12-13 ltrs in. I've had my range down to zero (blank) miles and filled up, getting 16 ltrs in, so I've presumed the 17.5 ltrs is the total capacity, and 4 of that is reserve, and when the light comes on.
I get between 80-100 miles, always have, even now bike is on 13k mileage.

I have done 6 miles with the range counter on 0 and when I filled up it took 17.05 litres to brim, so still had a coke bottle worth of fuel to use.
Cheers. Will see how it goes and try filling it a bit more up the neck. Good to know the reserve might not be dead on but hate to let fuel get that low if I can help it, will need to get used to what it does so I can plan for longer rides

Will also test the the manuals approach of leaving on side stand out if interest. Can't see how that could possibly work unless tank is some weird shape.
Recently travelling round Europe I was getting 130 miles till the light came on and that was in sports mode. Would of got even more in rain mode. I fill the tank right to the neck so I can see the fuel, and normally do it with the bike standing upright to ensure you get the maximum in the tank.
I filled mine up to the brim this week with the bike upright as I always have done but when I put it on its side stand and returned from paying, fuel was coming out of the overflow underneath the bike so I would say that there is some merit in using the side stand fill method or keep it just below the widget if you are holding it upright. Range on mine light to light is 120 average. Never do short start stop runs thouhg
On a recent trip to south france/Switzerland I manged a whopping 179 miles with 2 mls in reserve in rain mode 70-80mph utterly shocked now race mode is a different story ! Haven't tried slick yet .
Tried to fill some more up the neck last night so will see what I get. Wasn't empty so only 10l at that point.

First at time since getting the bike it's been dry :D:D
I'm getting about 100 miles on 'slick' mode before light comes on but have seen as little as 85 when cranking it on a bit, I've also tried to 'brim' the tank on filling but only really got about 15ltrs into it when refuelling. I'm off to France in a couple of weeks so I'll see what I get then on longer runs... at least its better than my 1098s was!
Tank can't have been full. Came only just over 100 miles today's :).

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