S1000XR Gen2 - What is this icon ?


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I learned from the video that this icon is turned on when race / dynamic pro is turned on.
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I learned from the video that this icon is turned on when race / dynamic pro is turned on.
The actual reference to that Icon is as follows.

It is the coding plug icon. Or the old term for the K46 was the slick plug.

The K46 coding plug ( AKA Slick Plug ) was a hardware item that when on the harness connector for a couple of reasons. The original reason was it turned on Slick mode and there by became known as the slick plug. Later it was found that this plug was also needed for RCK1 RCK2 RCK3 to work on the K46. Then in the later time of 2016, a feature was added to the option programming that USER mode was introduced and this coding plug was needed to get User mode to work correctly.

So, the K67 was introduced with RIDE MODE PRO options. The way you would know that this Ride Mode Pro option was programmed into the bike was this plug icon on the display. The icon however is not on unless you go into the settings and turn on the Ride Mode Pro selection of Race Pro Mode features giving you Race Pro Mode 1 and 2 and 3.. The 2023 and 2024 have difference programming in the cluster that makes it even more confusing on the RP1 RP2 RP3 options to work.


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