Request from Ride Magazine


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Well-known member
S1000RR Supporter
Sep 30, 2011
Reaction score
I thought I would post this message I received from Ride mag today, anyone wanna drop them a line or two?

Ladies and gentlemen, hello from RiDE Magazine.

Please excuse the impersonal group email, but it's the most efficient
way of getting to
lots of you at once.
I'm emailing you because you're on our books as being a current or former
owner of a BMW S1000RR and I'm hoping you can
help us out with a big
feature on this model. It's an overview of the bike, its design,
history, good points and bad points, running costs etc. Basically what
it's like to live with one on a daily basis. Which is where you, the
owners, come in, because you know these bikes better than anyone else.
So I'd like to invite you to tell me all about it.

If you want, I can send you a questionnaire to fill in (just reply to this
email and I'll send it back by return), but otherwise please feel free to
just waffle on in as much detail as you like about what it is/was like to
live with your 1000RR, running costs, problems, likes, dislikes, how many
miles you covered, favourite tyres, servicing etc - every scrap of detail
helps to make up the big picture.

Speaking of pictures, please feel free to send a few, along with some
bakground info if applicable, and we'll use as many as we can.

If you could include your age, occupation, the exact model/year of the bike
and the current mileage, that would help a lot. A bit of background on
yourself and your riding experience would be handy too.

Hope to hear from you soon – any questions, fire away.


Kev Raymond
RiDE Magazine

PS: Please feel free to forward this on to any other owners you know,
and/or to post it on forums etc if you think it'll help * the - more responses
get, the more acurate and representative the final feature will be.
Mine blew up at 2500, your not the only one and certainly wont be the last mate lol
Hopefully there are enough of us here who's bikes haven't skipped a beat and my only complaint is that it tears through tyres at track days. Also, i read al ot of horror stories about the bike, some on here, and still couldn't resist once i'd ridden it.
I hope I get mine back in time to give an accurate view of what failed and the service I received.

I love the bike to bits and would never unduly tar it, but phantom metal chunks appearing in the oil in under 5000 miles of not-very-hard use makes me very nervous.
so your telling us to brush our problems under the carpet in case they affect the price when selling it. I LOL'd.
Im not telling anyone to do anything, if I had problems I would shout at BMW to get it sorted.. if they would not fix the problem I would have got in touch with the MC press straight away, go for it mate :encouragement::encouragement:
It would be interesting to know what % of forum members have had probs ? I find its a bit like ducati ownership frustrating at times but bloody addictive when on song !
Never had a bike with no problems
Done 15k on this one and loved the ******* lot :), even with the problems
Still no problems for me :)

You guys with problems must not be looking after them properly :emmersed::eek:nthego:
Arrgghh he said it. How do you know its not gone wrong I've never seen your brake lights work for instance
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