Power Commander V


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Well-known member
Jul 19, 2012
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Are they worth getting for the S1000RR.

I can pick one up here in the States for about £230 brand new.

I'm tentatively considering a full system next Spring. Does the PCV make much difference on a standard bike with a slip on?

Any knowledge or thoughts out there?
You'll defiantly need a PCV if your going to put a full system on. You need somthing to sort the fueling as you don't want the bike to run too rich or too lean..
having ran a **** map on my pcv i would say a definate yes if you have a system of some sorts....ARCS or other
you hear the odd story of someone fitting a slip on and then needing a PC, but not often and i never have. Def for full system
No need for a remap with a slip on but it would smooth out the midrange. The PC can't do it but an ECU remap can also address interference from various sensors that can be switched off through the ECU. I've had this done on standard setups and it can make a vast difference.
Sounds interesting Jack, was this at a dealer and how much did it cost and what sort of improvement did it make?

Let us know.

It was at www.hilltopmotorcycles.com. I had my ZZR1400 done there which was a first generation which was known for its 'weak' midrange. Without a PC and just with some slip on Akras we got an increase right through the rev range and it felt so smooth with no vibration. www.bsd.uk.com also seem to get really good results on the BMW. It worked out the same money as a PC at the time.
I've also been considering installing a Power Commander. I spoke to Park Lane BMW to see if there would be any issues with the warranty. Only the parts directly affected by the PC wouldn't be covered (ie injectors).

However they proposed the HP Power kit.

Obviously this is BMW kit so doesn't come cheap but as I've already got a full Akro system the main cost is for them to provide the code to control the unit. Has anyone got this fitted to their bike?
You should ask how much "not cheap" is
Before I bought mine I was quoted £2500 for an akra system and the ecu change , if you assume 1500 of that is the system ???
I would be interested in what the dealers come up with.
From your figures FB, if the HP power kit costs £1000 I think thats pretty good for what you can do with it. ie setting up the traction control and stuff.
I've been quoted around £1,400 to include power kit and calibration kit - excluding the full Akro system. £600 of the quoted price is to get the code from BMW which seems steep. Anyway, would be interested to hear what anyone's experience is of the kits.
thought the HP power kit voids warranty....

pcv are only £250 new so getting one from states plus import duty would cost more....

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