Oil Leak


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Well-known member
Feb 6, 2013
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Hi all, I did an oil and filter change before i went to the TT and noticed pretty much straight away that oil was leaking (slightly from the sump plug) i first over filled it so i had to undo and re tighten it a few times so get it to the right level, now its dripping from the sump, It is the correct tightness and i used a new washer. It feels slightly corroded around the sump but surley it would of leaked before it that was the reason, do you think because iv un done it and re tightened it a few times this has happened and just get a new washer?
Ok Cheers mate, Ill get myself a new washer tomorrow, drain the oil in to a pan then put it back in to the bike as its new oil
Hi all, I have replaced the sump plug o ring but it is still leaking slightly, I am not to sure on what to do now? any ideas?
did you check the face on the sump which mates up with the crush washer?? could be slightly damaged or corroded, could also try a new sump plug if that fails try a bit PTFE tape on threads as a temp fix
I am surprised how quickly the sump corrodes. Mine is already corroded. I do not ride that much when there is salt on the road and I wash down the MC with cold water, like the manual states ,after each ride when there is salt on the road. Why is it BMW has not improved this? It has been a problem since 2010.
This is known replacement sump !!early models the thread is steel and the sump in ally, leaks between the two no matter what. Please don't ptfe tape it

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