OBAN Saturday 25th March


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Well-known member
Sep 26, 2015
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Dumbarton, Scotland
Anyone fancy a wee blast through to Oban tomorrow... could be good for blowing some of the cobwebs off. I'm heading from Dumbarton around 1pm..

Heading around a favourite loop of mine Saturday Stuart, 330 miles but passes through Glencoe and Tyndrum in the afternoon at some point.
Maybe cross paths at the Welly if you are there.


Hmmm would love to but with it being mothers day i don't think i will get away with disappearing today, just back from Morrisons getting the card & chocolates i should have bought yesterday Lol

Reached Lochgoilhead yesterday afternoon lovely run, got taking to 2 boys from Edinburgh when fueling up there and they were on about the amount of cops on the road, The Boy on the Ducati was done at 90 i think he said just along from the green wellie, i must have struck it lucky as never seen any!!!!
Haha.. I had a belter today... got up sharpish.. shaved.. showered...and shit ! Whats the other S ?.. its slipped my mind..bugger... anyhow nipped to M n S bought flowers for my mummy and a wee card... went and saw her... lovely day so suited up and headed up the A82 toward the Welly. Roads mainly dry with the odd wet patch so no firing into wild corners..more fire in and easy out as the roads are covered in typical winter crap/salt and the like thankfully usually washed away by mid April....
Only one police incident just before the Dalmally twisties, I was sitting around 85...nice and easy, I could see there was a 5 series Battenburg with the two of them standing outside..really quite hard to see I looked up as I passed and he gesticulated for me to slow down, for a laugh I shook my head..then quickly corrected that..hope he thought it was funny..I did...had a clear run on to Oban...the Pass of Brander on Loch Aweside was sensational...clear run, no traffic..Nirvana !. Was 21 quid at the Shellfish bar...fueled up and headed home Via Lochgilphead and Inverary..fantastic weather and for this time of the year good roads..brilliant day out..PLUS it was my birthday too and yous all forgot !.. heres a couple of pics

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I never forgot your Birthday, you got a text. Unfortunately being the weekend you will have to wait for the post on Monday for your bus pass.

Gret pics BTW.

Great pictures Stuart! What better birthday present than nice weather for a blast on the bike!

Enjoy the greater experience that another year brings :courage:
Happy birthday Stuart. You can save some money on fuel now with your free bus pass.